Choose one or more leadership topic(s) from your textbook or a scholarly source from a previous discussion or assignment from this course and write about its application to nursing practice. Provide definitions, history/background, and significant concepts of the chosen topic. Describe the topic’s function in nursing practice by examining at least three nursing roles (bedside nurse, public health nurse, CNO, unit manager, etc.). Discuss how the leadership topic can be used in your practice (nursing). Discuss your personal growth regarding your chosen leadership topic. Evaluate personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your career advancement. Effective Communication in Nursing Practice Effective Communication in Nursing Practice Then, discuss the top three traits that make a good nurse leader. Support your statements with examples from your practice experience and scholarly sources. Assignment Expectations: Length: 1750 to 2000 words in length Structure: Your

The Influence of Patient Care on My Career

Nursing is one of the noblest professions around. As a nursing professional or a nursing student, one interacts with different patients during care delivery. These patients are from different backgrounds: economically, politically, socially, and in other aspects of life. These daily interactions greatly influence the lives and decisions made by nursing professionals. The patient care I’ve provided in my professional career has greatly influenced my career and, in turn, the decision to further my education.

The nursing care that I have provided in aiding patients to relieve any pain and discomfort through the application of new dressing and adjusting their positions has greatly enabled me to appreciate the vital roles that nursing professionals play in the delivery of quality care. This has also taught me the need to respect and appreciate each and every individual. Fostering this sense of dignity is critical as it ensures that I treat my patients with the utmost respect and appreciate and acknowledge the decisions they make regarding their preferred treatment methods (Price & Reichert, 2017).

Patient care has shown me the need to gain practical skills aimed at addressing the needs of the healthcare system. The nursing field is changing, and patient care has helped me understand and embrace the importance of patient-centered care. The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes is critical in the improvement of patient outcomes, consequently resulting in improved patient satisfaction (Sacco & Copel, 2017). This can only be accomplished by furthering my education. Remaining committed to furthering my education in the nursing field through attending nursing workshops and other forums is critical in improving my knowledge and skill set. This is critical in improving patient outcomes and patient satisfaction.

My close interaction with patients in my professional career has had plenty of influence on my career as a nurse. Caring for patients has made me appreciate the vital roles played by nurses in care delivery and the need to constantly improve one’s skills for the development of the profession.


Price, S., & Reichert, C. (2017). The importance of continuing professional development to career satisfaction and patient care: Meeting the needs of novice to mid- to late-career nurses throughout their career span. Administrative Sciences, 7(2), 17.

Sacco, T. L., & Copel, L. C. (2017). Compassion satisfaction: A concept analysis in nursing. Nursing Forum, 53(1), 76–83.

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