Choose a specific nursing theory that is most in line with your personal philosophy of practice and approach to patient care and discuss the similarities. Explain how the nursing theory reinforces your approach to care. Include in your explanation a specific example as a nurse of a past or current practice and how your worldview and the nursing theory could assist you in resolving this issue.

Section 2. Nursing theory

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is best aligned with my personal philosophy of nursing practice and approaches to patient care. The theory presenting caring as the foundation of effective and efficient nursing practice, noting that every nurse must express kindness and concern as the basic foundational principles for engaging patients, understanding their needs and meeting their needs (Watson, 2018). I am particularly guided by the ten curative factors presented by the theory. The first factor is kindness and altruistic values, elements that I consider important for embracing my patients, understanding the care they require, and ensuring that I provide the care they require.Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement. The second factor is the belief that nursing care is able to provide the care that patients require, and this inspires patients to seek nursing services, and also inspires nurses to provide the care that patients require. The third factor is the understanding that the foundation of nursing care is help and trust in relationships between nurses and patients within the health care environment. The fourth factor is the need to trust stakeholders in the nursing care relationship, believing that other medical personnel and patients will do their part in supporting nursing care delivery. The fifth factor is the acceptance of innocent mistakes and having a forgiving attitude that accepts feelings and genuinely listening to opinions. The sixth factor is deep involvement in professional practice with a keen interest in integrating current evidence into information that guides decision-making. Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement.The seventh factor is the need to pursue a balance between the existing needs of all stakeholders, such as balancing the personal needs of nurses and the needs of patients. The eighth factor is the need to co-create a healing environment that respects the dignity of all stakeholders by balancing physical and spiritual wellbeing. The ninth factor is the need to minister to the basic spiritual physical and emotional needs of the patients, as well as family and nurses. The final factor is being open to possibilities that cannot be explained by the current realms of science, such as the existence of mysteries and miracles in nursing care delivery and outcomes (Sitzman& Watson, 2018).Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement.

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