Choose a specific nursing theory that is most in line with your personal philosophy of practice and approach to patient care and discuss the similarities. Explain how the nursing theory reinforces your approach to care. Include in your explanation a specific example as a nurse of a past or current practice and how your worldview and the nursing theory could assist you in resolving this issue.

Nursing theory in line with personal worldview

I believe that the Theory of Human Caring as presented by Jean Watson best aligns with my personal worldview. As a Christian, I believe that my life should be in service to God. Although I have not been blessed to directly serve God as part of the clergy, I can fulfil the expectation of service through engaging patients in offering nursing services. The theory advances that caring is a core requirement for successful nurses since it guides them in displaying kindness and concern for patients while always trying to achieve the best care results Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement. Patients represent a vulnerable group who expect that the nurses will always act in their best interest. Through having a caring mentality and personality, I am motivated to provide the best possible services to my patients (Butts & Karen, 2018; Huff, Kline & Peterson, 2015) Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement.

I am particularly guided by the ten curative factors offered in the theory. The first curative factor is the capacity to embrace my patients so that they feel I have altruistic motives for engaging them and providing care. This helps with the patients’ attitudes and response to treatment. The second factor is being inspired to offer the care that patients truly require. The third factor is nurturing trusting, caring and helping relationships. The fourth factor is engendering trust through cultural sensitive and acknowledging individual beliefs. The fifth factor is practicing forgiveness with a focus on always improving even as mistakes are corrected Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement. The sixth factor is integrating current evidence to improve professional practice. The seventh factor is pursuing a balance between addressing personal needs and the needs of others. The eighth factor is co-creating a healing environment that respects human dignity. The ninth factor is ministering to the basic physical, spiritual and emotional needs of patients. The final factor is being open to possibilities beyond the realms of science since science does not have answers to everything (Butts & Karen, 2018). Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement.

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