Chief Complaint: Mr. Bert Colton is an 89-year-old Caucasian male who presents to the clinic with his granddaughter, complaining of “I’m so panicked, I feel like I can’t calm down and I feel like I want to cry.” After viewing the patient interactive information, address the following: Differentials: List the three most likely differential diagnoses based on his objective findings with cited rationale. What is the etiology/pathophysiology associated with each diagnosis?

Geriatric Case Study


The patient is an 89-year-old Caucasian male who presented in the clinic with his granddaughter. The chief complaints that are presented by the patient are being panicked and that he cannot be able to calm down. The patient as well as presented that he always feels like crying. The condition of the patient started a year ago when the patient was diagnosed with open-heart surgery. The patient has become worried about various issues of concern and has fear of what will happen to her daughter if he dies. He is as well worried about what will happen since he fears that his daughter may end up getting breast cancer. This paper aims to discuss the etiology, prevalence, and the plan of care for three differential diagnoses of the patient.

Generalized anxiety disorder

Etiology/pathophysiology associated with the diagnosis

 DeMartini, Patel, and Fancher (2019) have presented that the issue of GAD has a concern because it causes interference in daily activities and it may occur on a person of any age. The issue of GAD causes panic and one may be depressed. The condition has become a challenge in that it could influence the fearful condition. The persons who are suffering from this condition have led to disaster concerns. The patient may be expressed by an issue of health, money, family, and the issue of schools. The fear that is faced in this case results in deterioration. The patient, therefore, experiences an exaggerated sense of tension and being anxious….

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