Change observed in organization using the eight-step model of change Describe a change you have either participated in or observed in your organization. Using the eight-step model of change, analyze which suggested strategies were employed and which were not. Was the change sustained successfully? If yes. Why? If no, why not? What could have been done differently?

Change observed in organization using the eight-step model of change


I have participated in and observed many changes in my organization. One of the most recent changes was the switch from using a paper-based system to an electronic one. This change was initiated by the management team and it was successfully executed by employing some of the suggested strategies from the eight-step model of change.

The first step is to create a sense of urgency, which was done by highlighting the benefits of the new system and how it would be more efficient than the old one. The second step is to form a powerful guiding coalition, which was accomplished by getting buy-in from the employees and management team. The third step is to develop a vision and strategy, which was done by mapping out the plan of action and setting deadlines.

The fourth step is to communicate the change vision, which was done by holding meetings and sending emails to employees. The fifth step is to empower employees to act, which was done by training them on the new system and giving them the resources they need to succeed. The sixth step is to generate short-term wins, which was done by setting goals and milestones that needed to be met.

The seventh step is to consolidate gains and produce more change, which was done by continuing to communicate the benefits of the new system and making sure that employees were using it effectively. The eighth and final step is to institutionalize the new changes, which was done by making the new system the permanent way of doing things.

Overall, the change was successfully executed and it has been sustained because the benefits of the new system are clear. The new system is more efficient and it has made our organization run smoother. If I were to suggest any changes, it would be to make sure that all employees are on board with the change from the beginning and that they are given the proper training and resources to make the transition.Question:

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