Challenging behavior & problems-Disabilities & Disorders Essay


Challenging behavior is defined as display of culturally abnormal behavior of such frequency, behavior and intensity that places the physical safety of other people in jeopardy. This kind of challenging behavior is usually exhibited by people having disabilities such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, developmental disorders, psychosis or when patients are admitted in the operation theatre. The challenging behavior includes self-injurious behavior such as biting and hitting, aggressive behavior (Kaiser, Rasminsky 2006).Thus, one of the serious and vital problems faced by nurses and health care professionals is management of disturbed individuals portraying various kinds of disturbed behavior after hospitalization. This assignment explains challenging behavior depicted by patients in hospital theatre. Moreover, the effective management of challenging behavior is discussed followed by conclusion. Challenging behavior & problems-Disabilities & Disorders Essay


Assignment Expert AustraliaChallenging behavior could be self-injurious behavior such as hitting or biting, aggressive behavior and stereotyped behavior. Challenging behavior could arise due to many factors such as biological factors which arises due to pain, need for sensory stimulation and medication. Social factor includes lack of knowledge, boredom, seeking social interaction, insensitivity to staff and services to the person’s needs and wishes. Environmental factors include physical aspects of lighting, noise and gaining access to the preferred activities and objects whereas the psychological factors include negative attitude such as loneliness, feeling devalued and excluded. Challenging behavior is a means of communicating dissatisfaction of the patients with the nurses and health care professionals. Research studies indicate that challenging behavior is viewed as occurrence in a circle which contains trigger, escalation, crisis and recovery. Thus cycle analysis gives a basic foundation for using various strategies for minimizing the triggers for various challenging reaction (Alzheimer’s society 2013). Commonly challenging behavior is exhibited by patients struggling with Alzheimer’s, dementia, old-age residents, hospitalized patients and disturbed children and individuals. Challenging behavior & problems-Disabilities & Disorders Essay

Understanding Challenging Behavior in Hospital Theatre:

Buy Sample AssignmentThe health care team and the nurses needs to understand that the patients who display challenging behavior are not intentionally exhibiting such kind of mental behavior and such behavior is not targeted intentionally to anyone. Patients who exhibit challenging behavior do so in order to have their expectations and their needs understood. Behavioral outbursts usually follow the pattern of de-escalation and escalation. Moreover, understanding the challenging behavior pattern can assist the staff and the nurse in supporting the patients during and prior to the behavioural incident. The pattern includes triggers, which are those events that initiate the behavioral outburst, thus knowing and understanding the triggers will help in effective planning for alleviating and diffusing the situation. Escalation is the time period where the anxiety of the person starts to increase, the patients starts exhibiting physical signs of becoming anxious. In this situation the nurses needs to be familiar with various physical signs as to have a clear understanding and knowledge on calming, redirecting and directing the patient in order to avoid any behavioral situation(CLASS n.d).Challenging behavior & problems-Disabilities & Disorders Essay  The next pattern is termed as peak which is an extreme behavioural outburst where the staff needs to already have emergency strategies to deal with the patient effectively in order to reduce the risk of harm to other people and maintain safety in patients. After the peak pattern is escalation, where the people starts to calm down. Here the caretaker or the nurse needs to identify the signs for de-escalation and support the outburst .This should be documented effectively in the behavior intervention plan. Commonly, many patients starts to feel shameful and remorse after a behavioral outburst where in this phase the staff needs to comfort and encourage the person and become more involved in pursuing various activities. After the stage of escalation, where the portrayal of such challenging behavior is over, the patient starts to calm down (Xeniditis 2001) At this phase the nurses or the health care team needs to educate the patient in teaching more appropriate ways for effective communication of various needs and initiation of more positive programs, which need to be incorporated in the behavior intervention plan. Challenging behavior & problems-Disabilities & Disorders Essay

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