case study When answering the question, the ADPIE should be from the case scenario and 3b and 3c should be like 11/2 pages and if any referencing used should be APA format. any questions don’t hesitate to contact me thanks

Case Scenario

Valerie’s case is about her journey of being diagnosed with schizophrenia and being treated for recovery. According to the case scenario, she developed the condition while in college. She began by having fears that there was a person who had plans to poison her and that this was a reason for her regular stomach problems. Due to that fear, she avoids prepared food and only eats bread and bananas. She also has issues with relationships. She only has a small social circle caused by her mistrust and her people. She has a boyfriend with whom she severally breaks up, believing he plans to poison her. This paper will analyze various health issues that affected Valerie.

  1. A)
  2. Two actual problems
  3. Schizophrenia

Valerie had two main problems. One of the two actual problems is schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder whereby a person misinterprets reality for a negative response. According to Harvey et al. (2019), the condition is associated with delusions, hallucinations, and extremely disordered thinking and behaviors that largely impair a person’s daily functioning.


At the assessment level, the patient is experiencing delusions, interpreting reality negatively. The patient has fears that someone is trying to poison her even when there is nobody against her. The patient has strained relationships with her workmates, neighbors, parents, and partner. The patient also has false symptoms of stomach problems; whenever she goes to the hospital, there are no stomach issues found.


The beliefs of being harmed by another person or people within the area are linked with schizophrenia. The patient is also having strained relationships in college and marriage. According to Harvey et al. (2019), schizophrenia causes strained relationships due to the fear of harming other people.


The patient’s treatment plan was to incorporate medications for mental disorders and undergo psychotherapy. There should be a collaboration with a psychiatrist for the psychiatric treatment process. The patient was taken to a psychiatrist.


The patient was diagnosed with schizophrenia and given medications meant for schizophrenic conditions. The suppression of the schizophrenic behaviors by the medications proves that the patient was suffering from schizophrenia. Olanzapine is an intervention medication for schizophrenia that helps in suppressing schizophrenic behaviors. The patient showed improvement on high adherence to the medications. The patient also underwent psychiatric programs that helped her cope with the problem. Medication and psychiatric services are key interventions in improving schizophrenic symptoms. Medication adherence should be followed during the treatment process, and thus the nurses should do close monitoring.


The evaluation for the wellbeing of the patient is tied to the frequency and strength of the schizophrenic symptoms. The patient should be evaluated on the level of suppression against the symptoms. The patient should be evaluated on the levels of delusions and fear. The ability to maintain positive relationships should be evaluated.



The patient is regularly experiencing false stomach pains and other stomach issues. On reaching out to the healthcare providers, no issues with her stomach are detected.


She experiences false stomach pains due to the belief that she is ill and poisoned. According to Tundo et al. (2017), 20% of schizophrenia patients experience hypochondriasis. The condition is characterized by being worried about being sick or thinking that one is sick or infected.


Collaboration with a psychiatrist and other mental healthcare providers should be done. For effective treatment, the patient should be critically evaluated on the relationship between hypochondriasis and schizophrenia.


The nurses should ensure adherence to the prescribed medication and make follow-up treatments with the psychiatrist to ensure continued suppression of the disorder.


The patient should be evaluated on the level of hypochondriasis symptoms, such as thinking that she is unwell or that she is infected.


  1. Two potential Problems

Substance Use Dependency


The patient has been living in anxiety, fearing bei

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