Case Study of Toyota: Significance of Operation Management in Manufacturing Sector Executive Summary


In the next section of the study, problem exploration and analysis will be elaborated. Problems and challenges faced by Toyota in account of Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-2021 will be explained. There are many automobile manufacturing companies including Toyota that are unable to sustain consistency in their business due to heavy restriction by the government with respect to working places. For this reason, Toyota has decided to improve its operation management. This will significantly help the organization to deal and overcome this problematic condition and, at the same time seek opportunity to increase the customer demand. Relationship among operation management, change management with the organizational success will also be demonstrated to overcome the problem. The section has also delivered a few theoretical framework and models by considering the problems faced by Toyota, in its manufacturing facility. The themes mentioned in here are based on the importance and effectiveness of the process of operational management in the better management of the automobile sector productivity. Along with that, the second theme is also associated with the utilisation of Robot Assisted sensing as a potential approach in the course of the development of organisational productivity and management. The discussion of the based on a vivid and descriptive analysis of the collected themes and thereby helps in providing a detailed understanding of the topic of operational management.


Problem definition

According to the published report of (2021), it is noted that in the financial year of 2021 total sales of the automobile industry have increased by 71 million units. This fact is clearly indicating the people prefer to use personal vehicles in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection. It is also noted that sales of Toyota have also increased by 39% across the world but the authority is failing to meet the demand of consumers (, 2021).

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Sudden hike of demand in the automobile industry is creating challenges in the operation management process of different organizations. Toyota is one of the organizations that is struggling to fulfil demands of consumers because of the lack of productivity (Ravalet al. 2020). Health crisis created by Covid-19 pandemic and norms of social distancing are the main reasons behind the sudden demand hike. According to the published report of (2021), it is noted that Toyota is not being able to meet the demands of consumers because of the absence of a significant operation management system. Considering this situation, this report is aiming to find the importance of operation management behind the success of the manufacturing sector.


Demands of automobile products are increasing across the world in present days. According to the study of Ravalet al. (2020), it is noted that due to the reason of Covid-19 pandemic and health concerns people are choosing personal transportation. High demand for Persian transport is automatically creating a high demand in the automobile manufacturing sector. Sudden hike of demands is influencing manufacturers to restructure the operational management system. As this study is aiming to find out associated challenges of operation management in the manufacturing sector, that is enlarging the scope of the research. Clear outlines of challenges in relation to the operation management process will help managers of the manufacturing sector to prepare a follow up. Along with that, determinations of prospective ways to resolve challenges of operation management can help the manufacturing industry to mitigate challenges and to meet success.


Aim of this report is to find out the significance of operation management in the success of the manufacturing sector.


  • To determine the importance of operational management in the manufacturing sector
  • To develop understanding about the concept of operation management and associated challenges
  • To determine prospective way to resolve operational challenges in the international company
  • To recommend effective operation management strategies for the manufacturing company


Q 1- What is the importance of operational management in managing the business of Toyota?

Q 2- What are the critical challenges incorporated to the business of Toyota?

Q 3- What are effec

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