Case Study in Caring Application of Watson’s Theory of Human Caring to End of Life Care in the Burns Intensive Care Unit: A Case Report


The case report involves a 22-year-old burn victim K.K. and the care that was provided to him while he was in the intensive care unit for life-threatening burns.  Burns affect a patient physically by leading to fluid volume loss, pain, and electrolyte imbalances (Bayuo, 2017).  But burns also affect and individually mentally and spiritually and they now have to live a life with decreased function and face the psychological impact that death may occur (Bayuo, 2017).  As a nurse, dealing with burns has been found to be exhausting due to the physical trauma that they must care for (Bayuo, 2017).  The case study listed is about a patient named K.K, a 22-year-old male that suffered extensive burn injuries to his bilateral upper and lower extremities, posterior trunk, and bilateral fractures to both of his legs (Bayuo, 2017). 

Jean Watson’s theory of caring was utilized by the nurses caring for K.K. in which the goal was to connect with him in a genuine way and create a transpersonal relationship (Bayuo, 2017).  A transpersonal relationship involves being present and open minded with a patient so that both the nurse and patient can connect spiritually and emotionally (Bayuo, 2017).  By creating this relationship K.K. was found to become more interactive with the medical personnel around him and he began talking about memories and friendships he has created in his life.  This transpersonal relationship created a trusting environment where K.K. was able to live out his final days with a good quality of life when referring to the mind and spirit (Bayuo, 2017).  Watson’s theory in this case study was considered a success and provided K.K. with a quality of life even in his final days (Bayuo, 2017). NSG 5002 Week 2 Theory Development – Barrier and Stimulants Paper

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