Case Study and Questions A new child has joined your preschool room. The parents have told the supervisor about their child's condition or disease. The parents are concerned about how the child will be treated by other people and how the daycare can meet the child's needs. The supervisor has advised the staff of the child's condition or illness. 1. What steps and precautions would you take at your centre to deal with this situation? Who would you contact? I.e. Public health, notices to parents, refer to DNA policies and procedures 2. How would you deal with the issues of confidentiality? source..

The issue of bullying in special children
The issue of bullying in schools and in society has been an integral factor in most national debates. In most cases, these debates touch on the educational sector where the vice in highly concentrated and where managing it is gradually becoming a menace. Over the years, the society has witnessed horror stories of innocent bullying practices leading to macabre situations including suicide among other unfortunate results. The advances in psychological testing and the incorporation of psychometric test in schools have revealed the harmful effects. For a long time, most US states have taken the prerogative to try to address the issue at a time when their UK counterparts are still grappling with the menace, (deLara & Garbarino, 2003).
The issue is exacerbated by the fact that bullying seems to be targeted on handicapped children these days. A report appearing in the Guardian newspaper claimed that eight out of ten disabled children a re bullied. The Mencap survey from which the statistics came from revealed that 82% of children with disabilities were bullied across England while 27% indicated they had been bullied over a 3 year period. What is even more shocking from the data is that 36% of the children surveyed claimed the bullying did not stop when they told someone about it, Lipset (2007). Bullying can take many forms as Cafamily UK indicates including verbal, physical abuse. The disabled children are prone to manipulative bullying and conditional friendships which might not be visible to the adults.
According to the Day and Nursery Act (DNA), all children have the same place in the schooling system and as such, it is the role of the supervisors to ensure that fairness is shown towards all children despite their special needs. When a parent seeks admission for a child who has a condition that would lead to bullying, DNA succinctly indicates that such information must be kept private. Thi...

Updated on January 26, 2024

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