CASE STUDY: 5-year-old Asian girl of normal weight with obese parents who is home schooled (You are allowed to make up information regarding the details of the case, medications, vital signs and development of the suggested case) ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION: -An explanation of the health issues and risks that are relevant to the child you -were assigned.

5-Year-Old-Girl Case Study
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Case Study: Home Schooled Asian Girl with Obese Parents.
In America, obesity during childhood is rising alarmingly and is becoming a dangerous epidemic, which not only concerns America but the rest of the continent. Statistics from the World Health Organization (2021) state that “Over 1.9 billion adults were overweight in 2016, 18 years old and older. More than 650 million of these have become obese.” Most of the obesities are directly connected to the availability of unhealthy meals such as fast food, and increasing inactive lifestyles, while others are genetic or influenced by the general environment (Schrempft et al., 2018). This paper will focus on addressing the health risk to the Asian girl presented in the case scenario, explaining ways to obtain supplementary confidential facts, seeking additional information from the parent of the child and explaining two strategies that might promote assertive caregivers or parents concerning their child’s weight and health.

Health risks and issues related to the child’s health.
The assigned case is of a 5-year-old Asian girl who physically appears normal though the parents are obese. According to studies, most Asian migrants to the United States tend to suffer from obesity. Such fast growth in the obesity level in Asian society can be directed from low-calorie foods to high-calorie foods to nutrient changes and societal changes (Sun, Kovacs, & Guiu-Jurado, 2020). Furthermore, dietary modifications in Asian societies were closely connected to increased calorie dietary nutrition. Several studies have indicated that Asian migrants are likely to have low body weight at birth, followed by rapid childhood weight gains.
The Asian girl is normal considering the age, but based on family genetics considerations, if appropriate preventative measures are not taken, obesity is well on its way. The risk factor for childhood obesity involves parental obesity. The parent of this child is obese, as illustrated in this given scenario, meaning that this girl does not live in a healthy household (Sanyaolu et al., 2019). From the case study, it is evident that the girl is not staying in a healthy environment. According to Lin and Li (2021) mass index (BMI) is 25% to 40% inheritable and has been directly linked to becoming obese. Obesity does not only lead to long-lasting health-associated problems consisting of dyspnea, CHF, high blood, diabetes, pressure but has also been directly linked to other health-related problems like childhood asthma, HDL, painful or irregular periods among females while some children are socially and emotionally affected due to poor esteem and bullying (Lin & Li, 2021; Sanyaolu et al., 2019).
Additional Information Needed for Weight Assessment
This case study is missing some vital information needed before determining this child’s diet and activity. Additional information I will like to ask in other to gather more information includes;
Asking the 5yr old child for her eating habits; if she’s very particular about her foods and how often she eats?
Does she engage in any physical exercise and how much time does this child spend watching television/ iPad if she has any?

What is your favorite food and how often do you eat this type of food?
How do you feel about healthy snacks like fruit bars and veggie snacks?
In addition to this, I will ask the mother for information about her pregnancy history, if she developed any complications like gestational diabetes and (PIH) Pregnancy-induced hypertension. The specific question I would ask the parent regarding this topic would include;
Did you have any difficulties throughout your pregnancy?
Did use any over the counter (OTC) medications while pregnant?
The first question can be used to help decide the kind of food the child consumes and how she eats, also it can help determine if she eats healthy. While the second question can help determine the child’s activity of daily living (ADL’s) since she is currently home-schooled, these child does not necessarily partake in physical activity like gymnastics. It is also crucial to evaluate how much time she spends watching television or other devices like the iPad to determine if she’s spending too much time indoors and not socializing with kids in her age group. According to CDC, it is recommended that children get at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. Excess time children spend surfing the internet, watching television, playing game consoles, is time they could be physically active (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). The third and last question evaluates the parent’s dietary choices because studies

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