Case Study # 4 Ella is 88 years old and was living at home until very recently. Her children, who visited her regularly, noticed that she was becoming more forgetful. At first, she mislaid objects, and then she began to forget her doctor’s appointments. With time, her personality changed, and she became withdrawn. At home, she would forget to turn off the stove or leave the kettle on until it boiled dry. After seeking advice from a gerontologist and social worker, Ella’s children placed her in a nursing home with a unit equipped for patients with Alzheimer disease. 1. What is dementia? Why is Alzheimer disease based on a “diagnosis of exclusion”? \

Dementia is a non-specific disease of a group of symptoms that are associated decline in memory or other thinking skills to impact their acts of daily living. Alzheimer disease (AD) may only be confirmed by cerebral biopsy or autopsy via microscopic examination. Therefore diagnosis is based on clinical findings, along with neuroimaging and metabolic screening to exclude other conditions when diagnosing AD

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