Cancer Complications and Treatment Side Effects and Methods to Lessen the Side Effects


Some of the most common cancer complications include general endocrine disorders. Some cancer cells emulate the original body cells and perform an excess of their original function. An example is hypercalcemia that is experienced in case of a malignancy. Hypercalcemia can occur due to failure of the kidneys to effectively get rid of excess calcium due to malignant disease (Koo et al., 2019). It can also occur due to a malignancy affecting the bones causing them to leak excess calcium into the blood stream. Another example is inappropriate antidiuretic syndrome characterized by an excess in the production of antidiuretic hormone. This is common in malignancies that emulate pituitary gland function and lead to an excessive production of antidiuretic hormones.

Another complication of cancer is hematologic disorders. These include anemia, which may be induced by the suppression of normal cell production by a tumor (Koo et al., 2019).  The third complication is gastrointestinal complications. These are more common in cancers that affect the GIT. These complications include abdominal pains, GI bleeding, and indigestion among others.

Cancer treatments possess various side effects. These include nausea and vomiting, hair loss (Alopecia), delirium, loss of appetite, thrombocytopenia, urinary incontinence, lymphedema, infertility, fatigue, thrombocytopenia etc. (Centers for Disease Prevention and Control [CDC] Breast Cancer, 2019). The physical and psychological effects of cancer and its treatment can be regulated. The physical effects can be managed using pharmacological methods. An example is the use of antiemetics to reduce nausea and vomiting. Lifestyle changes including dietary changes can also be effective in the management of GI symptoms. Psychological management is also important in managing psychological cancer effects. These patients are usually vulnerable and suffer psychological torture based on the weight of the disease. These patients require constant reassuring. They need to be indulged in activities that draw their mind off the impending diagnosis.

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