C361 – MLM1 – Performance Assessment 1 Impact of the Problem on the Patient


Nursing burnout is the identified practice problem.  Burnout refers to a state of physical and mental exhaustion, which interferes with the nurses’ ability to provide high-quality care. It directly affects patients. The infection rate is higher among patients treated by nurses suffering from burnout than from patients whose nurses do not have burnout. Nurses with burnout have impaired memory, attention, and executive functioning. Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research. 

This minimizes their recall and attention to detail during their interactions with patients. Such diminished vigilance and cognitive functioning, coupled with increased safety lapses, place nurses at a higher risk of committing patient errors. Patient safety is also jeopardized as a result of nursing burnout.  Patient satisfaction is also lower among those who have had nurses assigned to them who exhibit burnout signs. Burnout also increases the rates of malpractice among healthcare professionals.Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research.

Impact of the Problem on the Organization

The impact of nursing burnout on the hospital can be felt in an increase in absenteeism. Increased turnover rate is another problem seen in nurses suffering from burnout. Notably, increased rates of burnout are the significant consequence of burnout to the healthcare organization. Organizations experience issues related to turnovers, such as reduced care quality and increased costs. Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research.These result from the training and orientation of new nurses to replace those leaving their jobs. The affected nurses’ job performance is often below the basic standards of care, resulting in errors and low patient satisfaction scores. All of these problems can be felt on the administrative level of the organization. Consequently, burnout negatively affects the reputation of the organization. Overall, burnout significantly affects the organization and the quality of care provided.Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research.

Identify the PICO components

P – (Population [key stakeholder] or problem)                         Nursing staff

I – (Intervention / practice change)                               Implement education regarding nurse burnout

C – (Comparison)                                                        No education regarding nurse burnout

O – (Outcome indicator)                                              Decrease the number of vacant nursing position

Evidence-Based Practice Question

Among nursing staff (P), how effective is implementing education regarding nurse burnout (I) as compared to no education regarding nurse burnout (C) in decreasing the number of vacant nursing positions (O)? Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research.

Research Article

Background Introduction

Wei et al. (2017) is the research-based article selected for evidence appraisal.  The authors have identified that approximately 65 percent of nurses and physicians perceive their jobs to be stressful. Burnout is known to impact the quality of care provided to patients negatively. Therefore, the authors’ primary aim was to assess whether active intervention effectively reduces job burnout and enhances performance among emergency department nurses. Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research.


Researchers conducted the study in three hospitals in the ED departments, which were randomly selected from eight high-level hospitals in China. A total of 102 nurses were enrolled in the research and assigned to control and treatment groups. Participants in the treatment groups were treated with ordinary treatment coupled with comprehensive management

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