Bullying In Schools: Presents How Bullying Affects Children

Bullying in schools
Bullying is a common practice and has been part of schooling for a long time, even though for some people bullying seems to be natural as parents argue that bullying toughness up children. However, bullying makes most children uncomfortable, for many children the act of bullying can be a terrifying experience that eventually affects their personality during adulthood. Each day children are teased taunted, either threatened or tormented by bullies, about 25 percent of Students in the US are victims while 20 percent engage in the practice (Goodstein, 2013).
This essay presents how bullying affects children; the essay also highlights how bullying has increased over the year and what we can do to stop this vice especially in schools. By creating awareness about bullying and how it affects many children, I hope that each and everyone to take the responsibility to eliminate this vice.
When children are bullied, some tend to resist while others feel overwhelmed causing many severe psychological effects that affect both the victim and the bullies' adult personalities. Most students who are bullied are likely to suffer from depression because most of the time they are withdrawn (Kowalski et al., 2012). Some eventually attempted to commit suicide. One of the lasting impacts of bullying is the change of victim’s personality. Bullying causes children to be shy and develop low self-esteem, young children who are often bullied feel worthless. Therefore bullying affects children’s ability to see themselves in a positive way (Kowalski et al., 2012).
For some children who are bullied, they develop anxiety because bullying puts them in a state of fear. Bullying also causes posttraumatic stress disorder resulting to negative feeling like suicidal thoughts because children prefer committing suicide to avoid being bullied (Goodstein, 2013). Many forms of bullying have emerged with cyber bullying being one of the biggest problems parents have to deal with (Kowalski et al., 2012). Many children are bullied mostly on social media like Facebook, and Twitter. Bullies use the new technology of texting to harass their victims. Bullying is becoming a major concern among school going children, yet not much have been done to stop it, more and more children are reportedly bullied at school and on social networking site Kowalski et al., 2012).
The number of children being victims of bullying is on the increase that is why we need to stand against bullying by taking appropriate action, l believe that we can put an end to it. As a community, we should not wait for other people to take action, we need to prevent bullying; we need to create awareness about this vice. First, if you are being bullied it is important to report the case immediately (Kowalski et al., 2012).

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