Bullying among the nurses. Social Sciences Coursework

Bullying among the nurses may be defined as repeated patterns of destructive behavior which are either conscious or unconscious and are aimed at causing physical, emotional or mental harm. Bullying is destructive and it may impact the nurses in different ways. It can cause emotional pain which can result in incompetence and high absenteeism rates. Additionally, bullying may affect the nursing profession since the victims may leave the profession thus contributing to a shortage of highly qualified nurses. Additionally, healthcare organizations also suffer from bullying because absenteeism results to burden on the remaining workers, high rates of employee turnover and unnecessary costs.
Implementing an evidence-based practice may help in preventing nurse bullying in health organizations. An effective evidence-based program may contain four essential steps which include recognizing the existence of the behavior in the health facility, evaluating whether a behavior is meant to cause harm, Speaking to the bully and confronting the bully (Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 2011). Incorporating these steps in nurses’ daily routine may help in making a difference in matters related to bullying.

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