Briefly explain the benefits of assistive technology to health and social care organisations (hospitals, care homes, supported housing) and clients (elderly, disabled) Give example (2 or more) of assistive technology explaining the positives and negatives Explain how certain types of assistive technology will be useful to Maggie, also explain the type of AT that may not be useful to Maggie due to Dementia Considering Maggie’s health problem (Dementia), explain how technology may not promote her independence as her illness advances (deteriorates)

Case Study 1:

Sally is a 42-year-old female who presents to her GP with complaints of tingling and numbness in her left foot, 18 months later she also complained of double vision. Consultation with a neurologist at that time results in a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. She is placed on disease-modulating medication and educated about lifestyle changes to avoid fatigue, which manages her double vision, with the exception of long workdays. The GP refers her to a vision specialist for management of the impairment of double vision that interferes with activities and participation in her job as an account executive. The GP has also requested the assistive technology specialist to provide information and education about other assistive devices that are available should she develop additional impairments. Health And Social Care Essay

A vision specialist recommends an eye patch for use when warranted and suggests she stay in touch with the assistive technology specialist should other problems arise. Two years later, Sally returns to her GP with complaints of weakness and numbness in her right side (upper and lower body). These new impairments interfere with her ability to drive to and from work and chauffeur her children to soccer and other after-school activities. Her function at work has been greatly compromised as well. She is experiencing difficulty with typing, maneuvering around the building, holding her lunch tray, and performing other activities of daily living. She is referred to the Occupation Therapist for an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) for the right foot and a cane to improve her mobility, and she is also referred to the Assistive Technology Specialist for consideration of alternate input methods for the keyboard. A keyboard was chosen that covered a larger surface with large black letters surrounded by a yellow background. Both specialists worked together to identify other aids to facilitate additional activities, such as Sally’s personal care activities using a dressing stick and toothbrush handles; cooking using kitchen aids, including jar openers, recipe card holders, and large-handled pots and pans; and gardening using adapted gardening tools. Health And Social Care Essay

The GP refers her to a driver’s trainer specialist to adapt her vehicle with a spinner knob and left foot accelerator and to train her in this new way of driving. At this time, the GP also referred her to a social worker for support and counseling regarding her finances, work, and personal life decisions. Health And Social Care Essay

Throughout the previous 4 years, Sally’s family has noticed changes in her memory function. After the psychologist completes a cognitive evaluation and identifies strengths and weaknesses, Sally is provided a hand-held personal digital assistant (PDA), called the “PocketCoach,” to aid in her memory skills. This device enables her to push a single button to remember “what to do next.” It assists her to remember to complete task activities and to manage important aspects of her healthcare, such as taking medications and nutritional supplements. Health And Social Care Essay

Task 3: Mini Report

Case Study 2:

Maggie is a 62 year old lady who has early onset dementia. She recently lost her husband. She is an extremely active lady who goes out on a number of occasions each day. She is disorientated to the day and time. Her family has significant concerns that Maggie is leaving her home at night and reports from her neighbour confirm this. A fortnight ago her daughter, Lisa paid her a visit and she found water flowing out of her door. When she pressed the door bell there was no answer because Maggie was not home. On occasions homecare arrive early in the morning and Maggie is already out which means she can miss taking her medication and is skipping meals. A risk assessment highlighted an unknown prevalence of Maggie leaving her home. Health And Social Care Essay


Task 1

1.1Use of Technology

Independent Living is classified as the housing arrangement that is designed or manufactured for the disabled people that are staying in a community rather than in a medical facility (, 2015). On the other hand, independent living is defined as the social movement stating that people facing with some disabilities should be given same life choices and civil rights that are provided to non-disable person. In the given case study, Sally is 42 year old and is suffering from various disabilities.

The users of health and social care services are people suffering from disabilities or patient or the people that are neglected from the society or care do not shown by the people (Augusto, 2012). Sally is facing health issues such as tingling and numbness in foot, eye patch, and memory issues. Therefore, Sally requires health and social care s

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