Breast cancer diagnosis

Many benefits come with joining a nursing school. One of the main reasons I joined the nursing school is that I wanted to understand breast cancer diagnosis (Bonsu, 2019). Nurses have more information on a breast cancer diagnosis, which can help them detect the type of cancer a patient has to control it. There are different tests that nurses study in school on the diagnosis of breast cancer. One of the tests involves the imaging tests, which show the pictures of the inside body. The imaging tests help the nurses learn more about the suspicious parts in the screening (Wang, 2017). Ultrasound is one of the imaging tests which nurses study on how to diagnose breast cancer. Other imaging tests include the breast MRI which uses magnet and radio waves to take pictures inside the body, and diagnostic mammography, which takes pictures when the patient has more signs in the breast like nipple discharge.
Another type of diagnosis which nurses learn in a nursing school includes biopsy, where a small tissue gets removed from the breast organ for checking under a microscope. A pathologist analyzes the sample and determines if there is cancer. Surgical biopsy and core needle biopsy are examples of biopsy tests that nurses learn in nursing schools. Therefore, taking part in a nursing school is beneficial because it helps nurses detect breast cancer on time, thus controlling it. Understanding breast cancer diagnosis ensures that the nurse can determine if the cancer cells spread in other parts of the body or are just within the breast tissues.Breast Cancer Essay
Causes and risk factors of breast cancer
There is no definite cause of breast cancer in women. The people who find themselves with breast cancer cannot explain what caused it, thus making it difficult to explain the reasons for breast cancer. However, there is multiple threat factors related with breast cancer in women. Joining a nursing school helps a person to understand the threat factors linked with breast tumor. Exposing oneself to certain risk factors can make them develop breast cancer, and thus it is essential to understand the exposures to prevent people from the disease.
As a nurse, the lessons taught in school are essential in guiding people on reducing the threat aspects related with breast tumors. There are risk factors which a patient can change and others which a person cannot change. Understanding them will guide the nurse in advising people on the best ways of living to prevent themselves from breast cancer. Some of the risk factors that nurses learn about breast cancer and that can change include being physically active, taking hormones, and taking alcohol (Engmann, 2017). There are risk factors in breast cancer that cannot change and include getting old, reproductive history, history of radiotherapy treatment, etc. Nurses can use this information to educate society on the best ways of reducing the risk of breast cancer.
The risk factors expose women to different types of cancer. Nurses learn the two main categories of cancer, invasive and noninvasive, which have different types of breast cancer classified under them. The kind of risk factors a person is exposed to leads to breast cancer (Horn, 2017). Joining the nursing school will help a person understand various types of breast cancer like invasive ductal carcinoma and angiosarcoma and take against them. Breast Cancer Essay
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer
Learning nursing concepts would expand my knowledge of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. There are different symptoms and signs of breast cancer, which implies patients experience various clinical manifestations of breast cancer. One of the breast cancer symptoms involves developing a persistent lump under the armpit near the breast. The skin might thicken in any part of an individual’s breast. However, other medical conditions may also cause breast lumps. The lump may cause thickening of a part of the breast, and in some instances, it becomes painful (Khaliq, 2019). The swelling develops due to lymph node changes and might feel tender upon touch; cancer cells that leave the breast area deposit themselves in the lymph nodes around the armpit.
Nipple discharge is another clinical manifestation of breast cancer. The nipple might begin to discharge substances other than milk, which might appear thick or thin. The areola discharge is an early sign of breast cancer that infects the milk ducts. Breast cancer causes changes in the skin cells, which result in severe breast pain in the form of a burning feeling. The nipple discharge may have different colors like bloody or clear (Winters, 2017). Another symptom of breast cancer is skin dimpling, which makes a patient’s skin to appear reddish. The skin forms dimples when a cancer patient raises or moves their arms, making the breast skin to appear pitted. The dimpling resulting from cancer infection mostly occurs i

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