Benefits of the ACA on Each Group of Stakeholders Including Financial and Other Benefits

Benefits of the ACA on Each Group of Stakeholders Including Financial and Other Benefits
The health reform is expected to impact the various stakeholders in different ways significantly, and the financial impacts are highlighted above. Implementation of the Act will enhance the accessibility of health services. Many individuals will be able to access care services from different facilities since barriers to access, such as financial constraints, are addressed through the insurances that the Act advocates for (Courtemanche et al., 2019). The population’s health status will improve compared to before, which means better lives and reduced cases of terminal illness as they will be able to present to the facilities early enough before their conditions progress and worsens. Besides, the citizens will also incur fewer expenses on the various medical expenses. They can, therefore, quickly go ahead and run their projects peacefully, as a healthy population is a very productive economy as well. 
The reform transforms the nature of the existing care delivery system, which is hindered by various challenges that make it hard for medical professionals to deliver quality care as required. The transformation, therefore, benefits this group of stakeholders by meeting their needs, thus providing them a suitable environment where they can efficiently deliver care to the patients (Anderson, 2016). The third group of stakeholders, consisting of the health facilities, will benefit significantly, as more people will seek medical services in these facilities. Increased patient numbers will boost their earnings and profits. Since people failing to pay for the care services will reduce, such facilities will also minimize losses. 
Drawbacks of the ACA on Each Group of Stakeholders
Despite the benefits that the reform is expected to bring to the various stakeholders, they might face many expected challenges once the Act is implemented. Some citizens may fail to get the insurance covers as proposed, for instance, some young adults and the unemployed (Corso, 2021). This group of individuals will record poor health outcomes despite the reform trying to address such poor results. Healthcare providers will also experience challenges such as increased working hours to cater to the high number of patients. With no increased salaries, this will lead to job dissatisfaction and increased burnout, leading to work-related stress (Corso, 2021). Lastly, health facilities might get overwhelmed by pressures to expand their resources and practice models to take care of the growing demands of the patients.

This discussion has highlighted the various impacts ACA has on the country’s multiple stakeholders; the patient population, care providers, and the health facilities. It has also addressed the potential drawbacks which this reform will experience. The government and the various policymakers should aim at working on the multiple challenges and finding better solutions to them to ensure the complete success of the reform in ensuring that all citizens can access quality health services. 

Anderson, A. (2016). The impact of the Affordable Care Act on the health care workforce. The Heritage Foundation.
Béland, D., Rocco, P., & Waddan, A. (2015). Polarized stakeholders and institutional vulnerabilities: the enduring politics of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Clinical Therapeutics, 37(4), 720-726.

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