Benchmark – Electronic Health Record Implementation Paper Electronic Health Record Implementation Paper


Electronic health records refer to the digital storage of patient data and ensure that such data is only available to the authorized personnel and there is no unauthorized access to such data. The implementation of the electronic health records in medical facilities is an ever improving phenomenon that ensures that patients have access to quality medical care. Some of the primary advantages of the electronic health records include ease of access to medical histories of the patient, which can then point out the allergies and the possible reaction to medication that the patient has recorded.

Benchmarking on the functionality of the electronic health recorded by the medical administrators and nursing informatics managers is crucial in the determination of how they would design their system (Mandel, Kreda, Mandl, Kohane & Ramoni, 2016). The firewalls needed for prevention of cyber security issues and integration of informatics to capture, analyze and interpret the medical information is an important cog of the EHR system. This paper details out the role of advanced registered nurse during the benchmark, review, and leadership skills that he or she needs to exude when implementing the electronic health records.

Key Information in the Database

The electronic health record plays a key role in the improvement of care to patients. The key information that one can derive from the system is essential in enabling a clinician to track the opportunities for care improvement. The key information that the electronic health records (EHR) provide is on the medical history of the clients. Such can be a basis upon which the clinicians make decisions on the evidence based practices that would be appropriate to the improvement of patient outcomes. Data from the EHR can be analyzed by the clinicians to determine the prevalence of a given medical condition in a locality and track the type of medication that is often issued to such patients. The response of such patients to the regular medication can facilitate decision making on the ideal type of treatment or evidence based practice that can be issued to the patient. Furthermore, information on the life threatening allergies that the patient could be having is also existent and such can provide an opportunity for care improvement.

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Role of Informatics

Informatics is critical in the capability of an organization to capture the data needed for care improvement within the medical facilities. Informatics facilitates the process through which nurses and other medical staff capture the needed data within the EHR. Informatics ensures that there is proper management of data stored within the system and the interpretation of the medical histories of the patients, thus, ease of communicating the care processes needed within the facilities.  Informatics also facilitates the ideal organization of patient data to ensure that the medical history of the patients is matched with their needs. Health informatics often examines the relationship between different medicines and dosages that are issued to a patient and further recommend the interactions of the various medications can be deemed as being dangerous or if there is a likely reaction owing to allergies. Therefore, data on allergies and drug relationships are realized through informatics.

Systems and Implementation System

The health information systems and the health informatics nurses need to be involved in the design process. The health information system bears the data of the patients and the improvement or nature of data that ought to be captured. Health information systems also facilitate determination of the security features that would need to be integrated in the system and the safety features that would need to be integrated within the system (Goldstein, Navar, Pencina, & Ioannidis, 2017). The informatics nurse specialists would provide the necessary expertise that would be crucial in the designing of the system and ensuring that the system captures the data that would be needed within it (Birkhead, Klompas, & Shah, 2015). Other medical professionals such as laboratory technologists, physicians, psychiatrists and the general nurses would need to be included in the team and issue their input on how the system would function better.

Professional, Ethical and Regulatory Standards

The regulatory standards are premised on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) regulations. The regulation establishes that where the medical records of patients are stored electronically, there is need to install safety features

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