Baylor Health Care System: Educational Mission Statement"


In its mission statement, Baylor Health Care System identifies itself as a Christian ministry of healing. This identification of this organization with Christian values in a way delineates its approach and perspective towards healing and health care, encouraging it to serve humanity with the essential sense of altruism, faith, and hope, the qualities and attributes that constitute the quintessence of the Christian faith. In that context, when one delves on the mission statement of the Baylor University Nursing School, it urges the Christian nurses to care for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the patients entrusted to them with a sense of love and faith. In a way, the academic sentiments that are imbued in the Baylor University Nursing School’s vision get a practical expression in the mission statement of the Baylor Health Care System.

The other attribute that is common to the mission statements and philosophy of the Baylor Health Care System and the Baylor University Nursing School is discernible stress on the continual education of nurses. This stress on continual education and skill enhancement is not only praiseworthy but also happens to be immensely pragmatic. The health care institutions in the United States of America in the times to come could expect to be overburdened and overstressed owing to many salient demographic changes. In that context, the health care organizations will be under immense pressure to make the best of the limited resources and the health care personnel at their disposal. In that sense, the idea of continual education enshrined in the mission statements and the philosophies of both these institutions are utterly propitious because continual education and skill enhancement are the only way health care institutions could meet the emerging challenges with the limited resources and personnel at their disposal.

The other salient attribute, which is common to the philosophy of both the institutions that is the Baylor Health Care System and the Baylor University Nursing School, is the refinement of the current knowledge and expertise, through research and innovation.  Continual research not only exposes the nursing students and the serving nurses to new skills and possibilities but also helps bring down the cost of health care, thereby expanding the scope and the reach of health care services.

There is no denying the fact that if the mission statement of the Baylor University Nursing School is an academic expression of the Christian values of service and education, the mission statement of the Baylor Health Care System is a practical and professional expression of those values in a real-life scenario.    

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