Based on your textbook reading, discuss the process of advanced Practice Nurse (APN) business planning from a system approach. Paper should be clear and concise. 2-3 pages in length excluding the title, abstract and references page. a minimum of 3 current (published within the last 5 years), scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources.

Business development in healthcare encourages an innovative advanced nursing practice that incorporates quality, accessibility, affordability, and safety practices that help in improved diagnosis and treatment (Bryant-Lukosius et al., 2017). Different types of nursing groups fall under Advanced Practice Nurses, and all require a substantive education in effective business planning to start and run a healthcare facility. An APN’s duties include diagnosis and treatment of patients, patient teaching on preventing and
managing diseases, handling patients with chronic liver diseases, and the primary care group. A systems approach in business planning is where a complete study of the internal environment and interoperability in all departments is achieved. APNs should learn proper business planning strategies to establish private facilities that successfully serve their intended purpose.
Business Planning Through A System Approach
An APN looking to join an independent business venture should start by learning the market structure and identifying a market gap on the target market group (Okuno-Jones et al., 2017). Through this, chances of growth and achieving a considerable market share are strengthened. Developing a business profile is vital. There should also be the business’s mission, vision, and goals in the short-term and long-term period of operation. A precise, detailed analysis of the execution process is essential. By utilizing the knowledge gained in Advanced Nursing Practice education, an APN should have a good grasp of requirements in private practice, policies, and an ideal financial position for a health care facility to operate. The systems approach by an APN requires all business goals and objectives to be cultivated towards making the patients satisfied and delighted with the level of service offered.
The system approach follows analyzing, design, developing the plan, implementation, and evaluation (Bryant-Lukosius et al., 2017). In analyzing a project, one should introduce the purpose. For a business to be viable, its services offered and the organizational goal must address a gap in the market. An APN should also identify the possible elements to be involved in providing care within the facility. It helps one understand the independent and interdependent operability of the operations.
Developing a plan through which the execution process will follow is a crucial step. According to (Schober, 2017), one should develop a plan to achieve these operations through critical analysis of the key elements and processes expected to be involved. The business addresses the market gap in this stage, and a vision and mission statement are incorporated. An organization structure is also developed, and all legal, financial, and administrative requirements are addressed. To cement the completion of a proper plan, the APN incorporates management and marketing plans to ensure that all functions within the proposed project are understood and recorded.
An implementation of the plan strictly as planned is conducted by the individual or group establishing the business. Once implemented and up-and-running, consistent monitoring and evaluation of the business process and functions are carried out over regular periods. The implementation comes through the purchase of requires technical and administrative equipment, hiring of staff, and constructions, if necessary. Legal and financial requirements are also met at this stage. Monitoring and evaluation efforts allow the APNs to ascertain the facility’s efficiency and effectiveness in serving patients (Schober, 2017). Both nurse and patient feedbacks are taken and analyzed. Constant minor improvements to address any issues help the APN center to grow both in service and size.
Due to the legal policies and regulations surrounding an APN to operate, a complete understanding of a specific state’s requirement is necessary as less friction with the law translates to a better operational experience. The system approach in APN provides the best possible strategy in the establishment, growth, and development of a health facility as the management learns to address issues by looking at the bigger picture rather than the specific area of concern.

Bryant-Lukosius, D., Valaitis, R., Martin-Misener, R., Donald, F., Peña, L. M., & Brousseau, L. (2017). Advanced practice nursing: a strategy for achieving universal health coverage and universal access to health. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 25.
Okuno-Jones, S., Siehoff, A., Law, J., & Juarez, P. (2017). A System Approach to Advanced Practice Clinician Standardization and High Reliability. Nursing administration quarterly, 41(1), E1-E10.
Schober, M. (2017). Strategic planning for advanced nursing practice. In Strategic Planning for Advanced Nursing Practice (pp. 9-

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