Based on the analysis of your social media, discuss what areas of your social media activity reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity for all individuals. Describe areas of your social media activity that could be improved. Answers:

According to the Christian's values, every individual should be provided with an opportunity to express his/her vision. The logic behind this statement is that every person is created equal in the eye of God. No individual is born superior or inferior. I've never respond oddly about the outlook of a human being on social media platforms. As commenting on one's physical traits or appearance means criticizing God's creation. I considered attacking others' views as an immoral act. I prefer healthy criticisms to negative comments from one's perspective. I criticize only when a person's views are originating something unfair. All these areas reflect the Christian's values. This conduct shows respect and dignity for all human beings. The areas of my social media activity that might be improved are, I will remember the ethical significance during criticism. I will never cross my boundary of ethics while commenting. I will consider my professional standing to deal with the situation. As a nurse, I must promote wellness in the community. Social sites greatly impact people's lives (Karim et al., 2020). I will take care of others' feelings like my patients. This practice shows my respect towards human values and encourages human dignity

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