Barriers to nurses’ participation in the development of health care policy

Week 1 Discussion 2

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Week 1 Discussion 2
According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), nursing is considered the most prominent global medical practice, as per the. As a result, professionals have the ability to impact significant policies and regulations. Sadly, various barriers, including lack of commitment and understanding, a derogatory perception of nursing, a shortage of frameworks, and funding, hinder nursing inclusion in health policy programs. Frequently, nurses do not want lead, and with more than 120 national associations, nursing often lacks to offer a unified front (Jun et al., 2016). Nurses are the most prominent sort of healthcare professionals. We will have a considerable effect on health care if nurses organize, communicate, and communicate in a common voice. Participation in governance by nurses is further hampered by lack of time and money. Nurses are also not offered enough resources to generate the data required to impact healthcare policy.


Unfortunately, nurses are not seen as a critical decision or income drivers, which makes achieving powerful leadership positions and shaping health policy and change difficult for nurses. Furthermore, the healthcare sector must devote more consideration to nursing benchmarks, results, and the impact of healthcare on overall medical costs (Jun et al., 2016). Nurses are deemed to be “caring” and well-respected. It’s no surprise that nurses aren’t considered policymakers.
As the medical system changes, it is vital to investigate public and media views on nurses, with an emphasis on nurses as leaders and educators. Insufficient expertise, lack of opportunities for participation, and a lack of comprehensive healthcare policy instruction in nursing could all be obstacles (Amoah et al., 2019). The public values nurses, are informed regarding healthcare delivery and provides a credible voice. Compassion, empathy, and dedication are also critical values in nursing. Most nursing practitioners, however, remain unaware of public health policy challenges and how to affect them. Nurses should be professional advocators, activists, and transformation makers in order to be involved in positively influencing the healthcare industry.

Amoah, V. M. K., Anokye, R., Boakye, D. S., Acheampong, E., Budu-Ainooson, A., Okyere, E., … & Afriyie, J. O. (2019). A qualitative assessment of perceived barriers to effective therapeutic communication among nurses and patients. BMC nursing, 18(1), 1-8.
Jun, J., Kovner, C. T., & Stimpfel, A. W. (2016). Barriers and facilitators of nurses’ use of clinical practice guidelines: an integrative review. International journal of nursing studies, 60, 54-68.

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