Baroque Listening Paper


The Four Seasons
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The Four Seasons
The four seasons is a significant example of program instrumental music whereby composers are utilizing sound for painting a picture or even telling a story. “Spring” from the Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi is an example of an instrumental music depicting weather of various seasons, of which the composer represents flowing creeks, drunken dancers, as well as warm winter fires. It was a music with a narrative element with an evocative and natural sounds. Besides, this music calls to mind icy rain of which “summer” is utilized for evoking a thunderstorm within its final movement, and the movement being often called a thunderstorm (Kordas, 2018). The music can be said to effectively imitate the natural elements, particularly by celebrating the beginning of spring with the singing birds, soft breezes, as well as the murmuring streams that are mostly depicted between the returns of infectiously happy streams.
Additionally, the first statement of the song is intruded by a chorus of birds for imitating birdsong within different five ways. This is very crucial for depicting summer storms that are common in Australia (Lockey, 2017). For instance, the statement “lying within the suffocating heat waiting for the wind to change” has been utilized for depicting the ensuing storm that is characterized by the wild and vigorous arpeggios.
Besides, the song also depicts autumn by demonstrating the dances of peasants while celebrating the harvest. For instance, the solo violin is heard ranging from the virtuosically between its low and high registers besides breaking from the village dance (Kordas, 2018). Therefore, it can be argued that the autumn’s slow movement has depicted a weather season inviting so many individuals to come out of their sweetest slumber to work hard towards their harvesting.



Kordas, M. (2018). Program Notes. Spring Concert. Camerata Milwaukee, Shorewood, WI. May 19, 201.
Lockey, N. (2017). antonio vivaldi and the sublime seasons: sonority and texture as expressive devices in early eighteenth-century italian music. Eighteenth-Century Music, 14(2), 265.

Baroque Listening Paper

The Four Seasons is an early example of Program Music, a type of instrumental music in which composers use sound to paint a picture or tell a story. The Four Seasons is a collection of four concertos, each divided into three smaller “movements” that imitate a specific aspect of nature.

Listen to and research Spring from The Four Seasons online to determine what each movement of this concerto depicts. Write a 1-2 page paper identifying the aspects of nature that Spring imitates (wind, water, weather, whatever) and describe how it imitates those aspects through musical elements. Also give your response to the movement: how effectively do you feel it imitates the natural elements? Why?
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