Assume that you were rejected for a position you applied to, based on their selection methods used. In general, discuss both the reliability and validity as they relate to recruitment and selection practices. Why are both factors critical when considering which selection method to use in making hiring decisions? Lastly, critically evaluate both the reliability and the validity of your firm’s current recruitment and selection process.


Significant changes in technology over the past decade are having a profound impact on recruiting strategies, with staffing professionals increasingly using social networking sites to source, contact and screen both active and passive job candidates. In addition to a focus on social networking’s impact on the staffing process, the selection method is the most common and effective tools and techniques employers use to screen and evaluate potential job candidates.

Structuring your interview process ensures that everyone is treated fairly and asked the same pre-determined questions. Doll (2017) highlighted the importance of utilizing structured interview formats and questions for they are more likely to be higher in reliability and validity, which assist in predicting better job performance, while decreasing turnover and legal risks. Doing so allows recruiters to compare candidates’ responses and to be more objective, keeping hiring biases to a minimum. A structured interview process is especially helpful when you have several qualified candidates for the same role. With that being said, interviewers might evaluate candidates. Organizations must also have a very clear description of the positions they are hiring for, in order to know what candidates, they will be hunting for, during the hiring process (Dessler, 2013). These tests consist of simulations and exercises designed to evaluate how an individual would perform in real on-the-job scenarios. They are usually given in a stipulated amount of time and typically last for one day. Therefore, the organizations, uses reliability and validity selection method in recruiting and making hiring decisions.

Whenever we assess reliability, the main questions that we repeatedly ask ourselves are, “Do the results today resemble the ones from yesterday? Will it remain the same tomorrow? What about next week? A year from now?” A reliable test should provide results that are similar no matter when it is taken. Although minor differences can be expected if taken at different points in time, these discrepancies can be calculated statistically using Cronbach’s alpha, also known as the coefficient alpha. In scientific standards, an alpha of 0.7 and above is considered acceptable for most psychological measures. A test is considered ‘good’ if it meets the three criteria of being reliable, valid, and fair. In other words, the results of our hiring assessments should be consistent, should measure what it claims to measure, and provide equal opportunity to all test takers.

This approach helps recruiters and hiring managers to make fully informed hiring decisions. Also, it provides candidates with a clearer picture of the realities of the job they’re applying for. On the other hand, one shortcoming is that these tests need to be evaluated by trained people and can be costly to administer and rate. That is why assessment centers are most cost-effective for large-scale recruitment efforts. So, the more valid a tool, the fewer mistakes it makes when making that distinction. And the more valid a tool, the better it is at identifying who would succeed on the job. It is always in the best interest of an employer to ensure a reliable and valid selection process. This affords three benefits: (1) it assures the employer that those selected are more likely to perform well on the job, than those not selected. (2) It allows for a legally defensible process; and (3) it is fair to applicants.

We do not hire candidates, as every-other organizations do, but our sisters are selected from our Order, and posted to our Development Ministry. We do not have control over whom they Order sent to us. Meanwhile, we have volunteers from other nationalities working with us, especially, on areas we need help. All the same, experience and this course has taught me that it would be great for those sisters to be interviewed or to follow the method of reliability and validity process, in selection and recruiting, even though we are all from the same Order.

Organizations always look forward to recruiting the best employees available. Doing so ensures that employees can perform everyday roles as expected and the organization’s productivity stays at optimal levels. As a result, human resource managers and other recruiting personnel usually reject many applicants during the selection process. Poor performance during an interview is a common rejection consideration. Reliability and validity are critical for the selection process to get the right employees.

Reliability measures the consistency of the selection process. As Stewart and Brown (2019) put it, reliability in employee selection implies that methods, tests, and results do not differ with time, place, and the subjects. In this case, applicants being tested on their ability to perform a certain role should be assessed using one meth

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