ASSIGNMENT: Assignment: Benchmark Policy Brief


Chemical exposure is one of the environmental issues within the United States of America’s healthcare system that affect different populations. United States citizens are exposed to thousands of chemicals every single day through drinking water, foods, consumer products and air pollution. Communities are usually unaware of the threats caused by chemical exposures. Chemical released into the environment come from different sources including industries, healthcare companies, human activities such as burning of leaded fuel and pollution of rivers and lakes. Ensuring a clean and a safe environment often prove to be difficult because of continuous human activities that release harmful chemicals into the environment. Almost every activity introduces some of the waste into the environment. Trucks, cars, and buses often release exhaust gases while in operation (Damalas & Koutroubas, 2016). On the other hand, manufacturing and industrial processes usually hazardous and solid wastes. Some of these wastes are composed of harmful chemicals that are dangerous for human life and the environment at large. Exposure can occur when people come into contact with the above harmful chemicals directly or indirectly. Indirect contact may involves coming into contact with the substance which is contaminated.

Chemical exposure frequently affects populations other than those living in suburbs and slums. Those who live in low-income areas or slums, on the other hand, are at a higher risk of chemical exposure. In other words, some communities, such as minority, low-income, and indigenous groups, are always more vulnerable to disease. Some studies suggest that exposure to hazardous chemicals is related to where you live or where you live. Individuals who live near industries, along roadsides, and near hazardous waste sites are more likely to be exposed to hazardous chemicals (Ren et al., 2017). Additionally, individuals or populations with pre-existing diseases may be more vulnerable to chemical pollutants released into the environment. People suffering from asthma, for example, may become more susceptible to chemical pollutants. Underlying health issues or pre-existing medical conditions can increase the risks of chemical exposure.

Local, state, and national levels of chemical exposure occur. It could also be considered a global health concern, given that human activities that result in the release of chemicals into the environment can be found everywhere. As a result, governments at the state, local, and national levels must become highly prepared to deal with pollution that may result in advanced health complications. There is evidence of chemical exposure in various forms. Chemical exposure is evidenced by the increased release of hazardous substances from various industries. Chemical exposure is also demonstrated by the use of leaded fuel in a motor vehicle. Lead is toxic to the brain, especially in children. Most communities are unaware of the potential dangers of chemical exposure. Furthermore, the potential health consequences may become unclear (Wardrop et al., 2016). The American Public Health Association is always willing to help initiatives that improve surveillance or tracking of exposure-related health effects. The organization is also working to improve scientific knowledge, cut additional spending, and increase public understanding.

Problem Statement

Chemical exposure continues to affect different populations in the United States. Harmful pollutants often case increased complications especially for the individuals with underlying health factors. There are always both long term and short term impacts of chemical exposure. Some of the problems associated with the exposure to harmful chemicals include organ damage, development of asthma or allergies, weakening of immune system, birth defects and reproductive problems, physical defects in the development of fetus and children, and cancer (Wardrop et al., 2016). The increase in the rate of cancer infections is often attributed to the exposure to chemicals. The increased complications caused by exposure to chemicals can often lead to death. Therefore, there is the need for the authorities to enhance the formulation of policies and strategies that can be used to regulate the release of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

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