Step 1: Research Analysis

Complete the table below

Topic of Interest: Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Research Article: Include full citation in APA format, as well as link or search details (such as DOI) O’Toole, P., & Modestino, E. J. (2017). Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: A real life version of Lewis Carroll’s novel. Brain and Development39(6), 470–474.  
Professional Practice Use: One or more professional practice uses of the theories/concepts presented in the article The concepts contained in the article by O’Toole & Modestino (2017) can be used in providing health education to the patients. Healthcare providers can utilize information about the pathophysiology of the syndrome to educate the affected populations about its potential causes. The concepts can also be used in nursing research. The article shows that inconclusive evidence on the pathophysiology of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome exists. As a result, it can be used in research to explore further the syndrome to inform nursing practice. Lastly, it can be used in health promotion. The population can be informed to avoid risk factors associated with the syndrome such as topiramate medications.
Research Analysis Matrix Add more rows if necessary Strengths of the Research Limitations of the Research Relevancy to Topic of Interest Notes
Scholars in neuroscience conducted the study, which increases the relevance and applicability of the information.   The arguments are entirely based on other studies and not investigations done on human beings The article increases our understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to the development of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. It also identifies critical issues in practice that can be addressed through research. The article provides great insights into Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. It enhances our understanding about its causes, diagnostic features and aspects of management that can be considered in practice. It also widens our understanding about the potential areas of research that can be explored to increase our understanding of the syndrome.
The research provides comprehensive analysis of the topic to increase the understanding of the readers.   The authors used also sources of information, which may affect the relevance of the assertions made in the article    
The authors used simple language that general population can easily understand        
It provides insights into gaps in knowledge and practice to be explored in future research        

Step 2: Summary of Analysis

The approach that was applied in the identification of the above peer-reviewed article entailed doing a search of literature in PubMEd database. The search entails the use of specific keywords that included Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, pathophysiology of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome and causes. The search

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