Assessment 3- Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3


NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 is a vital component of nursing education, aiming to enhance nursing class assignments and equip students with practical skills and knowledge. This article delves into the significance of Assessment 3, the impact of innovative evaluation methods, and strategies to improve nursing class assignments to foster student growth and development.

The healthcare system has undergone many changes due to the rapid technological advancement. Barcode Medication Administration uses barcodes as a control system to prevent human errors in the distribution and prescription of medicine at hospitals. Barcode Medication Administration is a valuable tool for the healthcare industry, ensuring that prescriptions are delivered to patients without human error. By using advanced technology, it helps reduce medical errors by electronically checking them. This technology allows the pharmacist to match the prescription with the healthcare system’s request.

I began the study by defining and analyzing the problem, which was using barcodes in electrical medicine. Then, I searched credible data sources for information related to my issue. I searched for information using different keywords and phrases like Barcoding, Errors with prescriptions, Pharmacist mistakes, and Barcoding Technology. It allows me to locate different publications and articles that contain information on barcoding medication to improve the quality of nurses and patient safety. NURS FPX 40040 Assessment 3: Evidence-Based proposal and annotated bibliography on technology in nursing: electronic medication administration with barcoding. Google Scholar, MEDLINE CINAHL, and PubMed were the credible sources I used in my research.

Annotated Bibliography

Lin, J.-C., Lee, T.-T., & Mills, M. E. (2018). Evaluation of a barcoded medication administration information system. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing36(12), 596–602.

Errors in medication administration can always pose a health risk to patients. In order to reduce human error in medication prescription, the barcode system was introduced into the healthcare system. Lin et al. (2018) conducted a study to determine the results of barcode medication management. The questionnaire assessed the benefits, quality, and efficiency of barcode medication administration.

Two hundred thirty-two nurses have completed the questionnaire. The highest score was given to the part about user satisfaction. Data was collected about the number of medication errors that occurred before and after barcode medication administration. After implementing barcode technology, the number of errors in medication administration decreased from 405 to 314. To ensure the health and safety of patients, it is vital to eliminate human error.

This publication is critical because it explains how barcode technology can be used to administer medication to patients. This publication provides information on how to follow the standard procedure to maintain patients’ health.

Thompson, K. M., Swanson, K. M., Cox, D. L., Kirchner, R. B., Russell, J. J., Wermers, R. A., Storlie, C. B., Johnson, M. G., & Naessens, J. M. (2018). Implementation of barcode medication administration in order to reduce harm to patients. Mayo Clinic proceedings: Innovations in Quality and Outcomes (2), 342-351

This research study was conducted to determine if medication errors would decrease following the introduction of barcode technology for medication administration. Thompson et al. (2018) claim that even minor errors in prescriptions or advising medicines can be dangerous to the patient’s health. The study involved all groups of Magnet Certified inpatient nurses. In fifty nursing units, barcode technology was used to administer medication. To ensure fair results, the feedback mechanism was made optional.

The safety of patients improved after the implementation of this technology. After the barcode technology was implemented, the medication errors made by nurses in prescribing medication decreased by 43.5%. BCMA technology led to a 43,5% reduction in medication errors. The number of harmful medication errors also dropped from 0.65 to 0.29 for every 100,000. This results in a 55.4 percent reduction in incidents of actual patient injury. This technology benefits the healthcare system by reducing human error and increasing accuracy.

The study contains information that is of great importance to nurses and healthcare professionals. It provides evidence of how technology can improve patient safety and reduce health hazards.

Darawad, M. W., Othman, E. H., & Alosta, M. R. (2019). Nurses’ satisfaction with barcode medication-administration technology: results of a cross-sectional study. Nursing & He

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