Assessing the Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations


Unless health issues in the modern period are not adequately monitored, they will lead to numerous difficulties. It is important to note that despite the progress in promoting national coverage, health problems remain to afflict communities and interfere with their capacity to function regularly. Khan et al. (2018) show that immediate interventions are required to safeguard communities and ensure that the most vulnerable groups are safeguarded and do not suffer as a result of consistently low health results. Given that obesity is a major contributing factor to several health issues, obesity is among the illnesses that affect communities in this regard and presents a severe threat to the populace’s health. This implies that if an individual becomes obese and fails to seek treatment early, they are more likely to face health issues and even a decline in their well-being. Early assistance will be appropriate. The issue of obesity, the populations it affects, the research that is now available, legislation, and leadership in illness prevention will all be covered in this paper.

Population Health Problem

Chronic health issues have significant effects on Americans. It is having an impact on the advancements made in the healthcare industry. Obesity is a problem that affects many people and is common in all communities. According to Caballero (2019), an excessive buildup of body fat results in obesity, which leads to an unbalanced state of health. Caregivers often observe that overeating and being inactive cause one to build much fat. In the United States, the problem of adult obesity is getting worse as the number of individuals who are obese keeps rising. Over 35 per cent of the people living in the United States (U.S.) suffers from obesity, making it a serious health problem. In the U. S., the rate of obesity increased from 30.5 per cent in 1999 to 41.9 per cent in 2017–March 2020, according to the CDC (2021). Within the same time frame, the prevalence of extreme obesity increased from 4.7 to 9.2 per cent. Furthermore, obesity is a significant issue since it is associated with heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and several cancers. In the U. S., the average annual medical cost of obesity in 2019 was $173 billion. Individuals with obesity had $1,861 higher healthcare costs than those in a healthy weight range. Estimates from 2013 to 2016 suggest that 89.0% of American adults 18 and older with diabetes were overweight or obese (CDC, n.d.). Moreover, between 17% and 26% of all kidney malignancies in both men and women are caused by obesity. The population of interest is people in the middle age range, between 40 and 59 years old because they are more likely to be obese. 18% of fatalities among Americans aged 40 to 85 are brought on by obesity. Over $190 billion is spent in the United States on healthcare related to obesity.

Hales et al. (2020) claim that as most adults do not reach standard daily levels of physical activity, poor food and lifestyle habits are the leading causes of adult obesity. This indicates that when a person consumes a lot of fats and sugars or many calories without getting enough exercise, their body fat might suddenly or gradually cause them to develop an unhealthy weight. Most of the time, the adults mention that while they are aware of the effects of obesity, they do not have the support necessary to pursue solutions to lead a healthy lifestyle. This implies that problems like heart disease can arise rapidly if one is not taking good care of their health. People at lower socioeconomic levels cannot afford healthy food and routine checkups, which prevents them from receiving timely patient education about preventing obesity. This explains why the issue affects people of all races, but African Americans are the most affected.

Evidence from Peer-Reviewed Literature and Professional Sources

It is crucial to note that while looking into health issues, using material from peer-reviewed sources is essential because it assures that there is evidence to back up an action. The CRAAP model was crucial in this context since it highlighted using a piece of information. This is due to the requirement that any article utilized be current, accurate, objective, and delivered professionally. Thus, the examined publications dealt with obesity, preventative strategies, and related consequences. Saunders et al. (2019) contend that lifestyle treatments, which enhance patient outcomes, are the most effective way to address adult obesity. This is because using pharmaceutical therapies alone will not produce improved results if the patient’s everyday behaviours are not altered to aid the weight loss. Adopting lifestyle changes like increasing physical exercise, consuming a nutritious diet, and giving up alcohol can help to reach an ideal weight. However, this must first be practised t

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