Assessing and Treating Impulsivity, Compulsivity, and Addiction

Essay Example


Although impulsivity and compulsivity are key contributors to behavioral addiction, impulsivity is the initiator of addiction behavior while compulsivity supports the maintenance of the condition. Impulsivity refers to inappropriate behaviors, premature and risky which result in untoward outcomes. Compulsivity refers to a tendency toward repetitive and habitual behaviors, despite their negative consequences. The case study presents a 53- year’s old Puerto-Rican woman diagnosed with habitual gambling and alcoholism.

Gambling disorder is characterized by continuously occurring and persistent gambling actions. This disorder is confirmed when an individual is preoccupied with gambling, spends large sums of money, experiences irritability and unsuccessful efforts to quit the habit, gambles again even after spending a lot of money, and jeopardizes their relationships, work, and education, among others.

Alcohol use disorder is characterized by the incapability of an alcohol addict to control or stop the drinking habit despite their willingness to stop and the harmful effects their behavior causes to their lives. Mrs. Perez states that her gambling and alcohol use disorders are worrying her as well as the increased tobacco smoking. From the conducted mental state examination, the client is seen as sad and constantly avoids direct eye contact with the clinician.

The purpose of this paper is to describe gambling and alcohol use disorders briefly including three therapy options that are chosen for the condition treatment and observing the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics outcomes on the patient.

Decision 1: Administer Naltrexone (Vivitrol) Injection 380 mg Intramuscularly

My first decision is to administer Administer Naltrexone (Vivitrol) Injection of 380 mg intramuscularly in the client’s gluteal region every twenty-eight days. The reason behind choosing this option is due to the effectiveness of Naltrexone Vivitrol. Naltrexone is an established drug as a competitive antagonist at addiction/alcohol receptors. Due to this, Naltrexone inhibits the agonist-induced effects of alcohol such as the effect desired by the alcohol abuser.

Naltrexone is also established as an agent of reducing the desire for alcohol abuse among individuals (Sullivan et al., 2013). Due to these drug effects, Naltrexone Vivitrol is, therefore, the most suitable and appropriate option to manage and treat alcohol use disorder for Ms. Perez. Further, conducted clinical experiments approved the efficacy and appropriateness of this medication in managing and treating alcohol use disorder (Alanis, et al. 2016). The patient is most likely to adhere to the administered medication and achieve the desired objectives as Naltrexone Vivitrol is known to cause minimal and manageable side effects.

The reason for not choosing Antabuse (Disulfiram) 250 mg orally daily is due to its associated side effects including severe headaches, seizures, dyspnea, palpitations, coma, and even death. According to research, Antabuse (Disulfiram) is associated with a high level of patients’ non-adherence and has a high risk of toxicity (Crowley, 2015). In the case of Campral (Acamprosate), the medication was not chosen as it requires other combination treatments for its effectiveness.

Campral (Acamprosate) should be used together with psychological and social treatment to produce the targeted objectives of alcohol use disorder treatment (Crowley, 2015). Also, the first dose of this medication is supposed to be administered one week after the last time of alcohol use which is not applicable as Mr. Perez has not yet withdrawn from alcoholism. The medication is supposed to be administered three times a day which reduces the possibility of patient adherence to this medication.

The expected results from this decision are that Ms. Perez will reduce her alcohol abuse gradually, as well as a controlled desire for alcohol and gambling. I also expect the patient to adhere to the medication and experience no severe side effects. In the patient’s next clinical visit, some of the anticipated outcomes were noted as Ms. Perez stated that she had stopped her alcoholism abuse behavior and that she had reduced her gambling habits. However, Ms. Perez reported that since the initiation of the medication, she had been experiencing anxiety which is an established side effect of Naltrexone Vivitrol.

Decision 2: Add Valium (Diazepam) 5 mg on top of Naltrexone Vivitrol

My second decision is to administer Valium (Diazepam) 5 mg on top of Naltrexone Vivitrol. The rationale behind choosing this medication is to address the anxiety side effect of Naltrexone Vivitrol. Valium (Diazepam) is documented to alleviate anxiety conditions as it influences GABA receptors in a patient&rsq

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