Ask yourself "How do I know that my change intervention is valid and effective? What tells me the intervention is working? Measure what makes your intervention work, (which should be your PICOT outcome). Does the nursing intervention bring about the intended outcome of your project? If it does, how does your evaluation show this? If it does not, why not? What went wrong? This assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.



My strategic plan

There are some challenges that affect the implementation of the COVID-19 prevention measures among the geriatric community in the long-term care facility are lack of enough resources in the long-term care facility, mostly based on the population that it accommodates. PPEs such as face masks are insufficient. Additional rooms that might be used for quarantine are also insufficient. There is not enough physical space in the facility to observe and maintain social distancing. In most cases, the facility's population will be very close to one another due to the limited space. The facility population still hasn't been made to understand the importance of observing these COVID-19 preventive measures. Some even experience a tough time understanding the measures.

           The strategic plan to implement COVID-19 prevention measures in the long-term care facility are ensure proper use of personal protective equipment, hand washing, exercising proper hand sanitation before and after touching a patient or any equipment, observing respiratory etiquettes such as covering the nose and mouth while coughing, and installing telemedicine facilities to aid in remote care, and temperature monitoring. One of the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommendations for controlling the disease is quarantine; This means separating healthy people from other healthy people if they have the virus and could spread it. Other similar recommendations include isolation, which is just like quarantine, but for people with COVID19 symptoms, and social distancing, where people without symptoms keep a physical distance from each other. The facility population still hasn't been made to understand the importance of observing these COVID-19 preventive measures. Some even experience a tough time understanding the measures.

           The strategies that define the implementation of COVID-19 prevention measures in the capstone project change proposal are consolidating quarantine, alongside other measures, such as physical distancing or utilization of PPE, may prove to be more efficient at decreasing the spread of COVID-19 rather than using quarantine alone. Quarantine alone could be necessary for reducing the number of people infected and the number of deaths. Research had shown that quarantine is the most effective and costs less when it was started earlier. However, combining quarantine with other prevention and control measures has a more significant effect than quarantine alone.

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