As a nurse, what areas do you believe should be addressed to ensure Kim-Ly receives the care she needs to maintain her health?

As a nurse, I believe that the most vital areas that require urgent attention may comprise
the following key factors that enhance the livelihood of, Kim-Ly. Firstly, the social-economic
challenges should be addressed so that , Kim-Ly can maintain her health. A number of studies
reveal that medical care is particularly boosted with the access to social and economic services.
Researchers Mackenbach through their studies reveal that mortality of patients with advanced

age such as , Kim-Ly can be prevented if they have adequate support from their social factors. At
the same time, the studies are reinforced with the studies of McGinnis and Foege who also
present evidence that health-based behaviors is highly influenced with social factors, income
levels and the status of an individual in employment (Alderwick & Gottlieb, 2019).Therefore, it
is recommended that , Kim-Ly could access medical insurance which can alleviate her poor
experiences with local medical centers.
When, Kim-Ly has sufficient insurance cover, she can visit the best medical facilities in
her rural suburb or move to better stations to seek the medical attention for her chest and
respiratory illness. At the same time,, Kim-Ly can seek social support networks such as
community groups where she can easily get her peers to chat with when her brother, niece and
nephew are not available to chat with (Roberts et al., 2018).There are several instances where it
becomes therapeutic for patients who have social support platforms such as community groups.
Also, Kim-Ly could relocate and stay with her niece in a new location away from the
suburbs which is exposed to toxins and other environmental challenges pegged on over
population. At the new environment. Kim-Ly could get to see people who work out encouraging
her to live positively. At the same time, with the new location, her proximity to medical centers
providing quality can be facilitated making her chances of survival in the event of emergencies
better. Again, given the advanced age of, Kim-Ly at 75, when she has access to social support,
she will get improved social support which boosts her psychological standing and overall
wellness. Through her social support cycles from the family and community, she can reduce
unnecessary stress, anxiety and depression.
Moreover, in the event that, Kim-Ly does not relocate, the local health center in Southern
part of the city suburb should set up urgent medical response team. The team shall be able to

respond swiftly to the medical issue of elderly people in the local area (Roberts et al., 2018).
Further, the local authorities working together with local health center medical team should be
streamlined to react and respond easily in a timely fashion to needs of patients such as, Kim-Ly
in dire need of medical attention.
In conclusion, therefore, various factors influencing the ease and motivation of elderly
patients to seek healthcare services in their places of residences should be overhauled and
streamlined to support elderly people such as Kim-Ly. Aspects such as structural, social, and
economic factors that influence their reluctance to seek medical attention in the nearest health
care facility will be addressed. Indeed, several factors collate to determine the holistic health of a

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