Artificial Intelligence Dealing With Social Media And Human Rights



When people think of the world, people automatically think of tech. Our future will no longer be on paper and pencil, but everything will be technologically advanced. We all know these now, just like 200 years ago our ancestors dreamt of tall buildings and remote communication devices. The world doesn’t wait, it advances. Artificial intelligence is already something that is a big part in the world we live in. Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Overall it is a machine that will perform and do everything that a human brain can do. It is made up of cognitive computing, computer vision, machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, natural language processing.

The connection between AI and social media is how social media is a form of AI. Social media uses AI technology to analyze user behavior, mental state, and physical context. For instance, for the sites like instagram, tiktok and facebook you are exposed to things that you find relatable to. On instagram everything on your feed is things that you like. You will rarely find 34eanything that you don’t find interesting on it. Tiktok for you page is the same; it loads up videos that relate to and the content you watch. For facebook you get ads that connect to you. Now you might wonder, how do they know what I like. Well that's where AI comes in, it tracks and follows what you like and do and gives you personalized recommendations, collecting and most probably selling your data to other sites at the same time. Websites and apps are continuously collecting broad swaths of data on their users often without them being aware of it, or of how or where their personal information is being used or stored.



Social media has a big hand in human rights as well. For example as mentioned before people post and use their social media platforms to share news. This also violates and clashes with rights of people. It may limit their privacy and expose them, because posts do not have to be approved before it becomes available to the whole world. Privacy is only one of the many rights that are violated through the use of social media. In recent days, people post many different allegations on other people and are believed by most without any trial and proof. Since most social media platforms are used by teenagers who do not all have the necessary knowledge about copyright laws, pictures, videos and art are often shared without crediting the creator.

Research states that the consequences that social media and AI have on human rights is how the technologies have gotten overtaken by using techniques from AI to express the center elements of social media applications, specifically search, collection, observation, predictions, sifting, recommenders, scorers, content age, and asset portion. Not only that but the risks it provides are the following: manipulation of individuals or groups, diminishing variety that creates biased views and distortion of reality, constraints on communication and freedom of expression, threats to privacy and data protection rights, social discrimination, violation of intellectual property rights, impact on the human brain and cognitive capacity, and algorithmic power over human behavior and development. In fact Advocates for Human Rights note that “increasingly, information and images that first came to light through social media have been used to fuel momentum for independent investigations.” New forms of AI also make it difficult to predict the main harm it will do, and as stated before for example, from manipulation of audio and video content such as deep-fakes, highly persuasive bargaining/sales agents, accurate lie detection or context-sensitive micro-targeting of content. In recent years social media has also been a platform to spread disinformation. Propaganda was always a big thing forever. Before it was in newspapers, and articles, and now they are used in social media. Not only that but even in elections it is presented, the misuse of cyber.

The pros that social media and AI have on human rights is how different approaches to improve AI on social media has been proposed. Many hope to change the problematic situation dealing with social media violating human rights with machine learning. Big Data analytics have also been enhanced by rapidly improving AI capabilities in pattern matching, increasingly delivering societal level impacts, rendering individual consent an even less effective mechanism for governing negative consequences of data processing. Government officials are also holding requirements to trusting AI to handle such as non-discrimination, respect for privacy, robustness, and safety are already subj

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