Artificial Intelligence and Online Social Networking Research Paper



Artificial intelligence is one of the emerging technology fields that is considered to be the most influential development due to the multiple aspects of life it can impact. One of the elements that can change due to AI implementation is communication, both as a broad subject and in regard to human interactions. A system perceiving and interacting with its environment will alter communication as it exists today. In this paper, AI will be exemplified from the perspective of interpersonal connections, information sharing, and current communication barriers that will be minimized. Based on the analysis, individuals will be able to predict responses, overcome language barriers, and advance from a professional standpoint. However, human-to-human interaction may become redundant as virtual assistants and robots are becoming more indistinguishable from people.


In case AI becomes more prominent, it is inevitable that the way people communicate will be revolutionized, similar to the process affecting individuals due to the development of the internet. Currently, distance is not a limitation when it comes to interactions, as computers and smartphones minimize all potential obstacles. However, once one’s AI reaches its higher level of integration in day-to-day life, it is unknown whether such interactions will be necessary. Researchers mention that the establishment of collective consciousness is one of the potential outcomes (O’Lemmon, 2020). As a result, each individual will be connected to the network encompassing each consciousness. Thus, humans will be able to send their thoughts into someone else’s brain without verbal or non-verbal interactions. AI can become a technologically-driven telepathy channel embodying each individual into a collective system. In case such an outcome is generated, differences in languages and vocabularies will not be barriers that minimize effective communication.

The development of the trend has been assessed, yet no exact prediction can be illustrated due to the fact that AI has not been developed to an advanced stage. For example, researchers highlight that AI correlates with the generation of realistic virtual agents and social bots (Guzman & Lewis, 2019). Thus, it can be mentioned that human communication can be replaced by human-machine interactions. Namely, with the employment of technological advancements, robots will become indistinguishable from humans, yet customizable, extremely smart, and able to interact. Thus, individuals may choose to replace existing acquittances for interactions with an AI machine.

Another potential change is the employment of outcome prediction. For example, current statistics show that social media generates higher rates of suicide and self-destructive behavior in young people, as up to 21% of individuals engage in self-harming behavior (Memon et al., 2018). The high rates can be attributed to online bullying and virtual interactions in which the participants do not attribute negative behavior to potential adverse consequences. However, AI can facilitate positive communication by predicting how specific responses impact the individual. For example, technological advancement enables an examination of the environment and assists in generating the best possible responses during job interviews, dates, or even police interrogations. On the other hand, AI can also affect professional interactions. For example, employees can attend a business meeting without leaving their homes. An alternative to current video calls would be the generation of an environment resembling a conference room with each participant connected to the AI through virtual alteration technology.

It is certain that communication is in a continuous process of alterations. Based on the existing history, the last 100 years have revolutionized human interactions and have erased limitations such as geographical barriers. However, AI advancements can further minimize challenges such as communication in different languages or contrasting vocabularies. Moreover, responses can be calculated based on the potential outcomes. On the other hand, with the employment of realistic robots and virtual agents, it is possible that human interaction will become a concept of the past.


Guzman, A. L., & Lewis, S. C. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and Communication: A human–machine communication research agendaNew Media & Society22(1), 70–86. Web.

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