Applying developmental theory based on Erickson, Piaget, or Kohlberg, explain how you would developmentally assess the child. Include how you would offer explanations during the assessment, strategies you would use to gain cooperation, and potential findings from the assessment.

Functional Health Pattern Strengths and Limitations

In as much as the family parents are incredibly committed to their work, they always try to maintain a healthy lifestyle as recommended by their family clinician. The clinician usually advises the family on healthy habits that can help them avoid common lifestyle diseases. For instance, there is a time that Brandon was overweight in the 3rd grade and was put on a diet, which helped manage the situation. Consequently, the clinician usually performs a health examination on all the family members regularly to address social, emotional or health constraint issues if any (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, & Robinson, 2018). Redington, despite being busy, has provided health insurance to help cut down the medical cost of his family in case of any illnesses.

Despite the above advantages, several limitations have made the family vulnerable to several healthcare complications. For instance, failure to enhance the family activity and healthy eating habits led to Brandon becoming overweight, which is a high risk of becoming obese. Bridget’s sedentary life of watching movies on the weekend, instead of playing with other children, has also compromised her ability to socializing effectively even in school. She is usually self-withdrawn. Two years ago, Redington developed gout as a result of consuming too much meat while at work. However, these limitations can be avoided by the family if they adopt a healthy living lifestyle such as healthy eating, emotional support, exercise and social relations among others.

Application of the Family Systems Theory

The family system theory suggests that a family should function as a system with all members performing distinct roles of which adherence to specific rules is mandatory. For instance, in the above family setting, since the husband is mostly caught up maintaining the family business, the wife should take the imitative of taking most of the responsibilities during her free time to stabilize the social and health status of the family (Cianfrocca et al., 2018). However, this might create an equilibrium where the wife might feel overwhelmed and unable to perform her roles adequately. In such a case, engaging in a family system therapy seems like the only way forward such that the husband will be advised on how to balance between work and his duties as a father and husband, same to the wife, thus creating a sense of understanding and boosting their relationship. Consequently, the family members should look after each other and point out the wrongdoings that might undermine their health and social stability.


            The health assessment of a particular family is integral in that it helps ensure that all the family members maintain a healthy lifestyle. The family clinicians will be able to point out the shortcomings of the family and recommend appropriate intervention to help the family maintain a healthy lifestyle based on the findings of the assessment (Peterson-Burch, 2018). Consequently, the clinicians will be able to identify the cultural and religious beliefs of the family that might help in formulating an appropriate treatment plan in future in case of any health complications. Generally, family health assessment should be encouraged regularly to enhance a healthy lifestyle which is the most appropriate preventive measure to avoid exposing the family member to risk factors that might undermine their health.




In Kaakinen, J. R., In Coehlo, D. P., In Steele, R., & In Robinson, M. (2018). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.

Cianfrocca, C., Caponnetto, V., Donati, D., Lancia, L., Tartaglini, D., & Di, S. E. (December 01, 2018). The effects of a multidisciplinary education course on the burden, health literacy and needs of family caregivers. Applied Nursing Research, 44, 100-106.

Park, M., Giap, T.-T.-T., Lee, M., Jeong, H., Jeong, M., & 

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