Application of Theoretical Concepts to Research Your Name South University NSG5002 Advanced Theorical Perspective for Nursing

Application of Theoretical Concepts to Research The theory of interpersonal relationship was championed by a nurse name Peplau. This theory seeks to assess the interpersonal relationship between the client and the nurse. The theory aims at training nurses to have prerequisite skills that will enable them treat mental health patients in a humane manner. This theory seeks to train nurses on how to treat mental patients as human beings who need care rather that treating patients. Thus, this paper seeks to evaluate the interpersonal relationship between clients and nurses and the weaknesses of this concept as applied to nursing. Background Theorist’s Background Hildegard Peplau was born to German parents in Reading, Pennsylvania where she was raised. Peplau grew under a persevering and an oppressive mother a factor that made wish to grow beyond the roles that are delegated for women (Schimmels et al 2020). Thus, the decision to delve into the profession of nursing was best choice for her during that time. The devastating flu of 1918 played a crucial role in shaping her understanding the effects of diseases and death on a family (Schimmels et al 2020). Upon finishing school, Peplau served in numerous positions which included nursing career in the hospitals and teaching of the nursing profession. Peplau’s nursing career was fruitful as she worked through various roles to the position of the president of the American Nurses association (Schimmels et al 2020). Perhaps the greatest work of Peplau is in her theory of interpersonal relations in nursing. The motivation to champion for care services to mental patients in the nursing field rather than being custodian of this population group is what pushed her to work on interpersonal relations in nursing.

The phenomenon of concern is the interpersonal relationship between the mental health patients and the nurses. According to Peplau, the nursing practice made mental health patients feels as if they are under the custody of nurses rather than making the feel as humans being offered healthcare services (Schimmels et al 2020). The theory seeks to establish the interpersonal relationship between the client and the nurse. Thus, the client will get an opportunity to seek clarification about their concerns from the nurse. The nurses on the other hand will offer patient education that uses evidence based literature to explain to the patient why certain processes are necessary. Consequently, the theory ensures that the patient is not too depended on nurse for all their needs. Theory Description Peplau theory is a theory that seeks to train nurses to treat patients with mental illness in a human manner as the recipient of healthcare services. The theory is a middle range theory since it narrowly defines phenomena and can clearly stipulate an intervention for the nursing process (Schimmels et al 2020). The middle range theory differs from other theories such as grand theory which use a generalized framework of offering ideas without suggesting a specific intervention. Concepts The theory explains four which include orientation, identification, exploitation and termination. The theorist define orientation as the phase in which the client meets a nurse as stranger (Schimmels et al 2020). This phase is where the nurse establishes their first professional relationship. The patient will thus explain the purpose and concerns of their visits. The identification phase involves picking the right professional assistance. The nurse will educate the patient on various processes and the patient will ask questions. This phase is important since proper education is crucial to the adherence to the treatment process

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