Annotated Bibliography: Nursing in an Era of Shortage 1


South Carolina Nurse. (2021). ANA's proposed policy solutions to address the nurse staffing

shortage crisis. Blind Peer Reviewed

ANA’s president Ernest Grant wrote a letter to the U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services to plead the immediate action to address the nursing staff

shortage facing the U.S. today during the pandemic. As a result, hospitals are overrun

their staff capacity due to the increase of Delta variant. ANA is worried that the severe

shortage of nurses will have long-term consequences for the whole health care

system, and ultimately, on the nation's health. Therefore, ANA is pushing the

Administration to declare a national nurse staffing crisis and take immediate action to

produce both short- and long-term solutions to ensure the nursing workforce in the


This article revealed the reported shortages of nursing staff all over America. For

example, Mississippi has seen a decrease of 2,000 nurses since the beginning of 2021.

Moreover, Tennessee had 1,000 fewer staff at the beginning pandemic and called on

National Guard for reinforcements. Furthermore, Texas is recruiting 2,5000 nurses from

outside the state. In addition, Louisiana has had 6,000 unfulfilled nursing positions

across the state since Delta surges. Lastly, according to Trusted Health, 39% of

nurses aged 20-39 decreased their commitment to nursing.

The strength of this study is when the author calls on HHS to utilize the following

policy to address the awful nursing shortage: gather stakeholders to develop a short

and long-term solution to staffing, work with Medicare and Medicaid Services in

promoting payment equity, educate the nation on the importance of the Covid-19

vaccine, maintain a nursing workforce that meets ongoing and future staffing needs,

providing additional resources in recruitment and retention incentives.

This article aims to enlighten the nation about the problem of the nursing staff

shortages so that measures can be taken to ensure the quality of patient care in the

hospitals or any other health care field for now and the future. It offered realistic

strategies, and talked about the issues and gives different strategies in contending

shortage concepts. As a result, the author did a great job in using different concepts in

better understanding the problems.

This article helped me realize the effects of Covid-19 have intensified the nursing

staff shortages. In addition, as the highly contagious Delta variant lashed out in the

U.S., most nurses chose to work in a less stressful nursing job since nurses are burnout

both physically and emotionally. This prompted me to conduct additional research on

the effects of the nursing shortage during the pandemic. In the article "Nurses Unions

Can Help Reduce Stress, Burnout, Depression, and Compassion Fatigue During the

COVID-19 Pandemic, Part 3", the authors went over the experiences of nurses in New

York of the extreme stress due to the numbers of hospitalized patients, and uncertain

clinical protocols in treating the virus. In addition, lack of adequate personal protection

equipment (PPE), gaps in competency related to limited knowledge about the virus and its

treatment, being floated to areas outside of nurses' clinical expertise, and nurse-to-

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