Analyzing The Teaching, Service, and Scholarship Expectations NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 2 Applying the Tripartite Model


Nurse educators may teach new nurses about clinical skills and may train them to handle the complex cases of healthcare facilities in their field of interest. Using the tripartite model, nurse educators’ roles are best described by teaching, services, and scholarship. Nurses’ moral duty is to teach all the theories and clinical aspects of nursing to nursing students and nursing schools and colleges. Services may include unpaid volunteer work that is accomplished inside or outside the college environment. Speaking engagement at local events, serving on the national committee, and serving on advisory brands are some important examples of service. The scholarship is always related to research services for a nurse educator. It may include presenting public material, conducting research, and scholarly work. 

Plan for Meeting Each Aspect of the Tripartite Model

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 2 Applying the Tripartite Model

When starting a new position, every educator needs to have a plan. Nurse educators must know about the strength and weaknesses of their staff. In terms of teaching and service, they should also be familiar with the abilities of their staff so that they will know which employee needs additional practice to live up to all of the standards I discussed above. Also, nurse educators must know what they have to teach, especially the teaching guides and materials should be updated and advanced so that they are helpful for the learners. Moreover, educators should find local charities that may locate the community charity hosting events and may also organize volunteers for them. These are helpful for the service in their profession. After finding the local community, simply examine the hospital’s policies and may contrast them with AWHONN’s rules and regulations. Likewise, if anything is missing in knowledge or required advanced competencies, they should avail scholarship for a doctorate in order to identify the latest methods and techniques.

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 2 Applying the Tripartite Model 

Likewise, facilitating and promoting the ongoing professional development of nurse educators in the classroom can be accomplished through the utilization of services and research conducted by nursing educators. The ability to educate effectively necessitates an awareness of shifting trends in nursing practice on the part of nurse educators and the flexibility to incorporate newly acquired information into their lesson plans. Research and the provision of services at the school clinic are two methods that nurse educators can use to continue the development of new nursing skills and acquire new nursing skills.

Opportunities for Scholarship

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 2 Applying the Tripartite Model

Nursing educators are using different education fields for their growth in healthcare, such as Learning and Instruction in Nurses, Nurse Education Today, and Journal of Nursing Practice (O’Connor et al., 2020). Nursing educators must also be able to attend different events for a scholarship, such as CNL Symposium, Nursing Advance Professional (NAP) Convention, and so on. Familiarity with learning and instruction, formulation of lesson strategies and procedures for assessment, and task scheduling are all helpful for the nursing curriculum scholarships. Moreover, different scholarships are also available to different healthcare professionals, such as NLN Association for Baccalaureate Nursing Scholarship Awards which might offer various scholarships for students annually (Noone et al., 2020). It is pertinent to mention that previous educational background in nursing must attain such scholarships. 

Qualification of Nurse Educator

A master’s degree in nursing education is mandatory for the position of maternal child educator. As a registered nurse, the nursing educator should have an experience in a maternal-child position, such as in labor, delivery, antepartum, postpartum, and so on. To guarantee that the staff they are instructing is up to date, the educator must stay current on policies, practices, and certifications. Moreover, the nursing educator should keep them up-to-date with the latest policies, practices, and certifications of maternal-child care. In addition, nursing educators should also ensure that staff is updated with the latest information.

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This paper discusses the role of nursing educators based on the Tripartite model, which may include teaching, services, and scholarship. Nursing educators are those educators that provide their teaching ser

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