Analyze a current QI initiative in a health care setting. Identify what prompted implementation of the QI initiative.

Preventable adverse events occur in the healthcare organizationdue to unsafe care. Their prevalence is the relatively highcompromising quality of care and patient safety in medical facilities(Schwendimann et al., 2018).According to the World Health Organization (2019), these events are ranked among the first ten causes of disability and death worldwide. Approximately one in every ten patients is a victim of adverse events in high-income countries. Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) experience about 134 million adverse events annually due to unsafe care. These events lead to around 2.6 million deaths(World Health Organization, 2019).Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation Essay. Although care providers learn from these events, they cause inconveniences to individual patients and their family members and the entire healthcare organization(Rafter et al., 2014). For instance, adverse events increase the total hospital activity and expenditure by 15%. On the other hand, adverse events increase hospital stay length and the total cost of care. These events also expose victims to physical and psychological torture. Some patients become permanently disabled, while others lose their lives due to adverse events. Additionally, these incidents expose family members to psychological and financial distress. People experience mental torture if one of their family members has become a victim of an adverse incident. They also use their financial resources to take care of the affected family member. While multiple adverse events have been witnessed in the healthcare organization, this paper will focus on a preventable patient fall in the critical care unit.Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation Essay.

A Brief Description of the Event

The selected adverse event is a patient fall that occurred in the geriatric care unit. The fall involved Mrs. A,a 77-year-old African American female accompanied by her two daughters and a granddaughter during her first visit. Her daughters revealed that Mrs. A’s health has been deteriorating in the last six months. They stated that she has been struggling with T2D for the last ten years. She has been using insulin injections to reduce insulin production in the body, thus managing her condition. However, the Client had fallen several times at home in the previous month, making them seek medical attention. The presented symptoms and physical assessment indicated that she had dementia in addition to being diabetic.The care provider stated that the risk of falls was increased by her unstable diabetes. Diabetes increases the risk of falls among geriatric patients due to glycemic control loss (Yang et al., 2016).Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation Essay.

Mrs. A was admitted to the geriatric unit for close monitoring by care providers. While in the hospital, Mrs. A became disorientated and fell as she tried to move out of bed to visit the washrooms. She sustained afracture in her right leg, which necessitated the performance of a surgical procedure. Consequently, the patient stayed in the hospital for a relatively more extended period, which raised her medical bills. Additionally, Mrs. A and her daughters developed a negative perception of the healthcare organization. The healthcare providers on duty denied being aware of her high risk of falls since her diabetes was being regulated.

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