Analyze a Current Health Care Problem or Issue A medication error

Analyze a Current Health Care Problem or Issue

A medication error can result in a disastrous situation for everyone involved, as was discussed in the preceding assessment. Nonetheless, constant measures to ensure that these errors do not occur are required due to the constantly demanding fields of medicine and patient care. The safe administration of said pharmaceuticals is ultimately the responsibility of every person involved in giving pharmaceutical therapy to a patient. This analysis will detail pharmaceutical errors, how they can affect healthcare providers, and how they might be avoided. Elements of the Problem/Issue Research into medication errors has brought to light that medication errors can result from many different factors such as wrong time, wrong person, duplicate medications, look alike/sound alike medications, and many more. Medication errors can also result from miscommunication when collaborating with other nurses, doctors, or patients. As nurses, it is our job, our duty rather, to ensure patient safety and compassionate patient care. However, sometimes we are overstretched and overworked, and oftentimes, that is when errors occur. Analysis Medication administration errors, or MAEs, as discussed in the previous assessment, are one of the most frequent and dangerous errors that can be made in healthcare (Blacknold, 2023). This issue is vital to the author because she, like other nurses, has experienced a medication error that had an adverse reaction on a patient and could have fatally harmed the patient

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