An Exploration On Artificial Intelligence Application: From Safety, Smart Security & Intelligence ABSTRACT




AI techniques, present drive likely stand new robots or brainy programs that can support as human's assistants also ensure a slice for us, such as reading email, housework, or even driving cars. This one will also fetch us control on privacy, security and ethic. Several uncontrolled significances might ascend from AI applications if we be unsuccessful to find and avoid related threats in advance. In this study, we deliberate the latent hazards and threats of artificial intelligence, elevation warnings and stretch suggestions.

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Artificial Intelligence and Applications

Artificial intelligence can be categorized by two types. Weak AI and strong AI. In the category of strong AI, AI system must be considered as human-like high level perception ability, such as common sense, self-awareness and creativity, while weak AI simulates human intelligent processes passively without physical understanding. Weak AI is designed to finish a particular task, while strong AI is usually understood a general AI system, which takes the skill to achieve several kinds of intelligent tasks. Current AI systems are entirely at the stage of weak AI and strong AI sort out not yet exist so far. It is imaginary that it would take spans for human to realize strong Atypical AI techniques take in machine learning, speech Recognition, natural languagedispensation,robot,etc. artificial intelligence has remained used universally in our life, from speech text input and tailored network shopping, to several smart answering systems. AI applications in these fields such as education, science, engineering, business, medical care and manufacturing etc.

Health care

In AI techniques, smart home-based system tin monitor in our daily life, including sleep time, isometrics, diet predilections, and seizure signs of their changes. Future lavatory perhaps can detect through excreta to regulate if body is healthy, and provide relevant information to doctor. Such system can assist doctors in making decision without consulting specialists which are unusual resources in rural areas and in many developing countries. Finance: Manufacturing and administration can use artificial intelligence to grasp early detection of anomalous financial hazards and to reduce spiteful actions such as manipulating markets, fraud and unusual transactions. There are many AI techniques, like artificial neural networkand support path machine, used by commercial bankers and business consultants to make bankruptcy prediction and company financial distress prediction.


I can ranking and assess students in an intelligent way and help them learn at their own pace.AI technique can build a new education system that includes intelligent evaluation and interactive learning. Through the help of smart education assistant, tutor can be provided with additional support by knowing the status and learning progress of each student at any time.

Smart Security, Privacy in AI Applications

In artificial intelligence systems are facing these types of problems.

Security Problems:

There are different types of security problems of AI including security threats of technology abuse, security problem made by technical flaws and self-aware intelligence induced security problems.

  • Security threats of technology exploitation: It is believed that artificial intelligence is a neutral technique. If it is harmed by spiteful people, the technique may fetch us problems of security, discretion and tenet. Research shows that attackers can blastoff a large-scale attack with only a slight resource using intelligent methods. Invaders may also use AI technology to access remote information illegally.AI systems may do something harmful to people in control of criminals.
  • Security problems induced by technical faults: In recent artificial intelligence system is future from perfect. Sometimes AI system could not be secure as it seems due to some technical faults. Solitary is technical imperfection as robots, tools, controllers and related mechanisms are not correctly designed or tested. One more reason is improper management; affecting many robotic fates occur under unusual working conditions such as software design, maintenance, testing, installation or alteration.

Secrecy Problems:

In current centuries, big

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