An Essay on the Negative Effects of Artificial Intelligence



Artificial intelligence is making rapid strides. It is said that AI could fundamentally change life on our planet. AI has the potential to revolutionize every aspect of daily life including work, mobility, medicine, economy and communication. Companies like Google, Microsoft and IBM have been researching for years in the field of AI. But the main question is whether AI really make medicine better and make doctors unnecessary? will intelligent robots take over our jobs? And are we heading for a dystopia with no privacy in total surveillance? Will AI make our day-to-daily tasks easier or extensive? No matter how much AI helps us, there are more disadvantages than advantages.

First, the things we see robots do in the industrial environments is nothing compared to the capabilities of what these robots actually possess. Robots are physically stronger than humans, they have a better endurance than humans, they don’t question orders, nor do they take breaks. Robots are essentially what we would call the perfect employee or the perfect worker which is why companies are rising very quickly with some of their advancements and innovations that are taking the place of humans in every aspect of society basically from driverless cars to computers that program themselves but the powers of robots are being taken for granted. They are being developed in such a way that there would be no role of humans anywhere. The idea of robots and artificial intelligence is to make the tasks of humans easier and not to perform all the tasks of humans. To name an example one of these companies are iRobot who were established in 1990 by three MIT graduates and is one of the leading consumer brands of robotics in the world. Newsweek recently reported that there's a chance that within the next century many robots and AI systems will be able to perform human tasks better than we humans can. This is based off the survey that they took from hundreds of AI experts. For example, they'll be driving trucks within the next decade, writing high school level essays and will eventually be writing books and performing surgery. It's hard to say certainly but some of the world's smartest people such as Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Elon Musk have expressed serious concern about how fast AI is developing. Aaron Hines (2018) (assistant professor of Integrated Biology and Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University) theorized, “If robots were able to form memories and learn from past experiences then we could really be in trouble”. He also warned that if AI systems and robots are ever able to achieve consciousness then they'll eventually be capable of forming their own societies. Human intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it that's the basis of the field of artificial intelligence and it could lead to all sorts of advances in many different fields of study.



Second, AI is programmed to do something devastating: Autonomous weapons are artificial intelligence systems that are programmed to kill. If these weapons fall in the wrong hands, it can cause widespread destruction. Humans should not let AI control weapons of mass destruction or else it could lead to a catastrophe. Even if AI is programmed to do something useful, it can develop into a damaging way for reaching its goal. Robots are a major threat mainly because it can do what we tell them to do but without follow the rules. For example: on our instructions, it can cook food for us quickly but can end up burning the food and wasting a lot of gas. It could also cause unintended problems and conflicts in the future. Artificial intelligence does indeed present us with a great opportunity but if we aren't careful, it also might lead us to our own death, or it could just lead to minor setbacks. Either way it's not perfect.

Thirdly, there is a lack of human interaction. With our smartphone’s, TV’s, laptops and the decrease in general social interaction it is safe to say that as Artificial Intelligence becomes more and more of a trend it will continue. As more and more robots and AI systems are implemented in the workplace, human’s dependence on machines will only increase; the tech addiction is already kind of a problem as cellphones are already being used as a crutch by people. Humans are spending more time on applications than ever before which is obvious, but this is by design for the app makers who want people to spend as much time as possible using their apps. Human interaction is a healthy and necessary element to each of our lives whether we want to admit it or not. While artificial intelligence will certainly help us achieve more than we ever thought possible again it has its consequences.

In conclusion, though artificial intelligence has many

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