An Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Drug Treatment for HIV and AIDS Essay The human immunodeficiency virus is the cause of acquired immunodeficiency


syndrome. In the absence of retroviral therapy, the transition may occur in 10 years or less. Recently, the human immunodeficiency virus acquired the status of an epidemic as in 2016 more than 36 million people live with it (WHO, n.d.). About a million people die from HIV-related diseases annually (WHO, n.d.). The symptoms of HIV can be very diverse and may include fever, swelling of lymph nodes, skin rash, headache, etc. Yet for diagnosing the virus with an increased degree of certainty, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is administered. Western blot tests are used for confirmation.


HIV prevalence and Complacency

It is difficult to link complacency as a phenomenon with any disease or condition. HIV and AIDS are rather serious conditions that presently have no cure (Arcangelo, Peterson, Wilbur, & Reinhold, 2017). They complicate life by mortally endangering health and wellbeing. It appears hardly possible that a sane person would agree to sacrifice their good health condition for a lifetime of danger due to the fact that there is a possibility not to die from these diseases. Most cases of HIV happen due to carelessness, lack of education, or drug abuse, and a harmful environment. It is doubtful that people who practice unprotected sex or use drugs think of HIV in the first place. It is highly likely that complacency occurs when confronted with the fact of having such a condition and knowledge of the possible treatment options.

Role of Health Care Professionals in Increasing Awareness of the Disease

Nurses, physicians, and other professionals are the main actors in the process of increasing the population’s awareness of HIV/AIDS. Through patient education, they are able to explain the dangers that these diseases pose not only to the person having them but also to the people closest to him or her (Sarma & Oliveras, 2013). The limitation here is the weight of the pieces of advice that health care professionals give. Often, patients do not have high regard for their advice. However, people who care for their and their relatives’ health and wellbeing could be protected from the adverse influence of the virus.

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