Among hospitalized patients (P), does patient engagement and education (I) compared to other strategies (C), prevent the occurrence of patient falls (O)?




Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4
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Heng, H., Jazayeri, D., Shaw, L., Kiegaldie, D., Hill, A., & Morris, M. (2020). Hospital falls prevention with patient education: a scoping review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(1).



Lopez-Jeng, C., & Eberth, S. (2019). Improving Hospital Safety Culture for Falls Prevention Through Interdisciplinary Health Education. Health Promotion Practice, 152483991984033. Johnson, K., Scholar, H., Stinson, K., NEA-BC, Sherry Razo, M., & NEA-BC. (2020). Patient fall risk and prevention strategies among acute care hospitals. Applied Nursing Research, 51, 151188. Vonnes, C., & Wolf, D. (2017). Fall risk and prevention agreement: engaging patients and families with a partnership for patient safety. BMJ Open Quality, 6(2), e000038.
Article Title and Year Published



Hospital falls prevention with patient education: a scoping review.







Published in 2020.

Improving Hospital Safety Culture for Falls Prevention Through Interdisciplinary Health Education.







Published in 2019.

Patient fall risk and prevention strategies among acute care hospitals.









Published in 2020.

Fall risk and prevention agreement: engaging patients and families with a partnership for patient safety.




Published in 2017.

Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative)



“What are the findings of current literature regarding patient falls prevention education in hospitals?”



A systematic quantitative review.

The authors do not state the research questions.


They can be inferred from the study’s objective.

How reliable and valid are fall risk prevention strategies in hospitals? Including patientsand their families is vital in fall prevention.
Purposes/Aim of the Study To conduct a current search on interventions to prevent patient falls relating to patient education, critique the design of patient education programs in hospitals, and find and appraise measures of evaluating changes in patient falls. The study aimed to determine the impact of improving hospital safety culture and interdisciplinary health education on fall prevention. To evaluate the dependability and validity of three fall risk and prevention data collection instruments. The study aimed to explore whether initiating a Fall Prevention Agreement between the


nursing team and older adults minimized the incidence of patient falls.

Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative)



Literature review design.


Joanna Briggs Institute and

PRISMA-ScR guidelines.

Pre and post-intervention. Mixed methods design. The Fall Prevention Agreement was developed by the


Patient Education Team consisting of a master’s degree

prepared RNs.





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