Alignment Tables NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 1 Course Definition and Alignment Table Table 1: Learning Objectives to Program Outcomes


Number Learning Objectives Program Outcomes
1 Learners will be able to understand the negative impact of bullying on the health and well-being of others and will be better equipped to effectively communicate with multidisciplinary teams to improve outcomes. Learners will have a deep understanding of the negative impact of bullying on the health and well-being of others which will enable them to effectively communicate with multidisciplinary teams to improve outcomes. Work with multidisciplinary individuals and teams for better results.
2 Learners will be able to develop and implement a plan to prevent and address bullying in their practice setting. Interacting with everyone while fostering acquired abilities and exercising critical thought. Work with multidisciplinary individuals and teams for better results.  Put assessments and reevaluations of evidence-based bullying training into action
3 Learners will be able to challenge their own beliefs and myths about bullying and being bullied. Be polite to everyone while supportingrequired abilities and exercising critical thought Work with multidisciplinary individuals and teams for better results Put into practice evaluations and reevaluations of evidence-based bullying training.
4 Learners will be able to examine the power dynamics at play in bullying situations and evaluate the effectiveness of different intervention techniques. Respectfully interacting with everyone while fostering acquired abilities and exercising critical thought Obtain greater outcomes by collaborating with people from different backgrounds. Implement ongoing assessments of anti-bullying programs that are supported by research.

Program External Standards Alignment

NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 1 Course Definition and Alignment Table

The nurse educator makes sure students apply standards that are supported by evidence and recent data to encourage teaching (Ghasemi et al., 2020).

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Several external standards and guidelines could be used to support the development of a bully-resistant education program in a nursing course. These include:

  1. The American Nurses Association (ANA) has developed a Code of Ethics for Nurses that includes a provision on bullying and incivility. The code states that nurses have a responsibility to “refrain from verbal, physical, and other forms of violence and abuse” and to “promote a culture of respect, kindness, and professionalism” (ANA, 2020).
  2. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) has published a position statement on bullying, incivility, and disruptive behavior in nursing. The statement calls for the elimination of these behaviors in the workplace and recommends strategies for addressing them, including training programs and policies, and procedures (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, n.d.)
  3. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has developed a Code of Ethics for Nurses that includes a provision on respect for the dignity and human rights of others. The code states that nurses have a responsibility to “respect the human rights of all individuals, including the right to be treated with dignity and respect” (International Council of Nurses, 2019).

Overall, these standards and guidelines can provide valuable guidance for developing a bully-resistant education program in a nursing course and teaching students how to reduce bullying behavior. It is important to carefully review and consider these resources as you design and implement your program.

Table: 2 Learning Objectives to External Stakeholders
External Stakeholders Learning Objectives to External Stakeholders
Competencies set out by the National League for Nursing (National League for Nursing, 2020). Learners build and pursue socialization within multidisciplinary teams and individuals. Learners should be encouraged to analyze and assess their progress regularly. Educators of nurses are expected to take leadership roles while also engaging in scholarly activities 
Legal regulations set out by th

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