AIDS in Lesotho, Africa: The Highest Prevalence Rate of HIV Infections in the World Research Paper Origin of HIV/AIDS


The illness came into the limelight in the early 1980’s; since then it has caused havoc and stress while scientists have been struggling to find out where it came from. There are several theories that have been advanced to try explaining the origin of the vice with no certainty still realized.


Several arguments have been provided since the 80’s. Despite the facts surrounding the origin of the vice, a wide variety of stakeholders have been blamed for the start and fierce spread. The question, which still remains unanswered, is where the origin lies (Review of Hiv and Aids-Related Initiatives and Activities in Lesotho 44).

First case to be recorded of AIDs presumptions were in the United States in the early 1980’s. It was detected among a number of gay men who began developing common ailments at the time with common symptoms. The ailments recorded seemed stubborn and highly resistant to the treatments administered and this aroused suspicion among the scientists.

The problem came when the ailments could be registered in a common form among the men though, at the time, the name AIDS had not been devised for the scourge (National Aids Strategic Plan 2002/2003-2004/2005: A Three-Year Rolling Plan for the National Response to the Hiv/Aids Epidemic in Lesotho 68).

Human Immune Deficiency Syndrome was later on discovered though a number still could not comprehend and understand the link that could exist between AIDS and HIV just as majority have still refused to realize the real nature and impact of AIDs even after research has proved so.

The origin of HIV has as well been explained using several developed theories. The earliest known form of the virus was detected from a blood sample of a man in the Democratic republic of Congo, but the means with which this man got the virus is mystery up-to-date.

The virus in the sample was identified as HIV-1 and it’s recorded to have branched from a sole virus in early 1950’s. The advanced by scientists for the virus before being renamed as HIV was HTLV-III and this was done by a bench of international scientists (A Travel Survival Kit 30).

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Facts about HIV/AIDs

HIV is a lethal virus which if left untreated, damages the cells of the body hence weakening the immunity of the body. Once the immunity of the body is weak, it becomes highly susceptible to a variety of opportunistic diseases. HIV has never been a cause of the deaths realized from AIDS since its role is only to provide an avenue through which other diseases can enter the body and cause disease.

AIDs is said to have infected an individual when more of the infectious diseases are diagnosed in the body of an individual. Though the scourge is a killer disease, it is in record that people have lived longer productive lives even after acquiring the virus and this is attributed to the fact that one has to admit infection if diagnosed and immediately embark on medication.

Ways through which the Virus is transmitted

There have been several rumors on the ways through which the virus is spread but the sure ways that have been on record entail the following. The body fluids such as semen, vaginal fluids, semen and blood widely spread the virus and this takes place in the most likely event that two people of which one is infected engage in sexual intercourse (Behaviour Change Communication in Lesotho: National Behavior Change Communication Strategy, 2008-2013 106).

The infection can also be transmitted if piercing instruments are shared and among the people sharing them, one or more are infected. To small extent careless blood transfusions have been made through which the virus is spread but this way has been minimized due to the advent of proper blood screening methods and safe transmission methods.

AIDS in Lesotho, Africa

Africa as a continent, is composed majorly of developing and less developed countries. These countries faced several challenges since they are agriculturally based and agricultural products do not fetch higher prices in the world market. As a result of these economic downturns, such economies suffer even social evils like crimes and diseases.

Political leadership in these countries is still composed of highly greedy individuals hence corruption deprives the society of the few resources that they could use in solving their social woes. Lesotho being one of these countries, faces similar challenges, which is propagated by the fact that equipment both in form of facilities and infrastructure that are essential components of an economy, are still lacking in such economie

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