Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief Assignment Template for Part 1 and Part 2 (Be sure to use at least 2-3 outside resources)


 Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid

Identify the population health concern you selected. Pandemics
Describe the population health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it. Use citations. Pandemic is poses a public health concern as citizens’ battle depression due to economic instability and loss of loved ones. The Present administration should be more concerned on the effects of pandemic on her citizens during and post pandemic as most families during pandemics are left with no jobs and access to quality medical care just as what we are experiencing amid COVID 19 today (Evans & Bufka, 2020).
Administration (President Name) President Biden President Trump President Obama
Describe the administrative agenda focus related to this issue for the current and two previous presidents. Use citations. The present administration has rolled out plans for massive emergency Covid 19 vaccination, although some people are still misinformed about the need for vaccine, a lot of public health awareness is ongoing to ensure we get more people vaccinated, there have been plans of relief packages to assist families struggling with the present pandemic (“The Whitehouse,” 2021)


Trump downplayed the warning for Coronavirus outbreak when it was noticed in Wuhan China, Trump acted late, hence we are all caught up in the mess we see today. There was no sufficient funding for CDC on infectious disease controls in his tenure. Obama had a slow initial response during the 2014 Ebola outbreak which was a wakeup call on emerging infectious diseases.

The Obama administration made appropriate funding available to fight Ebola all over the world.

Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue. Use citations. The Biden Administration have appropriated and invested about $1.7 billion in getting the vaccines, increasing genomic sequencing and mass awareness campaign to ensure they wear nose mask as primary protective equipment (“The Whitehouse,” 2021) The Trump administration focused on protecting the most vulnerable especially the elderly and spent about $2.5 billion to nursing homes on Covid relief packages (HHS, 2020) The Obama administration requested for $6.2 billion but only approved $5.4 billion which was the largest donation by a single government to fight Ebola.
Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue. Use citations. The Present administration took over amid pandemic and have rolled out plans and sustained existing technologies and partnered with agencies that will help in control of the pandemic through the administrations appropriate funding to Covid 19 vaccination and mass campaign (“The Whitehouse,” 2021) Trump administration did not rightly approach Covid 19, there was delayed response by the federal Government hence the cases escalated and mortality cases increased uncontrollably.

As at the time Covid 19 Started, because Trump already destroyed existing science framework, there was none on ground to act (Peters, 2020)

Obama confronted Ebola squarely by appropriation of $5.4 billion and in 2014 Dec enacted CDC operations to prepare specialized assist for west Africa where the mortality was out of control and that really helped African nations have control and were able to manage it. (“U.S. response to Ebola: Status of the FY2015 emergency Ebola appropriation,” 2019).


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