Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation


Stress management classes and nutrition are current healthcare programs within my line of practice. This program aims to bring and motivate healthy living among vulnerable people in society who are struggling with this issue. It aims to be a solution for those who need this type of health program service help but is unaware of this need for some reason. The program is aimed to incur a fairly higher cost, which cannot yet be determined until the program gains at least 200 people (Abe et al.,2019). The projected outcome is that most people will join the program after seeing the level of help it will have provided for those who were or are already there.

Our target population for this health care program is the old aged people who are above the age of 65years. Another population that can be considered in this program is the people living with different kinds of disabilities. These two are the chosen beneficiaries as the target population for our current healthcare program because they are the most vulnerable people in the society we currently live in. Being the most vulnerable population, they need to be the first people to be educated and assisted on the issues of neutrino and stress management. Most older people are attacked with different national problems and stress after they get to 65 years and above. This is sometimes caused by some of the lifestyles they are subjected to; some are abandoned by their families and left a lot in these vulnerable times (Abe et al.,2019). Some live with the stress and fear of death now that they are old, and they feel prone to any disease that may make them encounter death.

In most cases, they are neglected by their family members who are to take care of their needs. If no one rises to help this population, we might as well lose them faster than we think. People under 65 years suffering from different types of disabilities undergo similar problems where they are unable to work and cater for their medical bills. Such people require a lot of medical attention, and if enough is not done to help them, they risk losing their lives.

To provide sufficient input for the design of this health program, a nurse has several responsibilities. One of them is the promotion of health. In providing educational services related to stress management and good nutrition, the nurse has a role to promote the health of individuals over the age of 65years as well as those suffering from disabilities (Hallmark et al., 2021). An example of this health promotion practice they carry out is providing them with advice on the things to avoid in terms of what they eat and what they think would bring healthcare damage to them. Another role is preventing illness from attacking people under this medical program (Abe et al.,2019). This can be done by, for example, giving people vaccines that prevent them from attacks of a certain disease that would harm them severely if they acquire it. Another role is caring for the ill and disabled people and those about to die. This role is very important in this type of medical program as it involves saving many lives, which is the main goal of the Medicare health program. It is done in several ways example is by a nurse examining a patient frequently to ensure that their health is well taken care of and they are not exposed to any health hazards or danger.

As an advocate for my target population, which is the old aged people thus above the age of 65, one of my major roles is to ensure that the services for this healthcare program are delivered effectively and efficiently to patients. My work is to ensure that the services are delivered equally and efficiently to old aged people. An improvement can be made by ensuring that more attention and care is given to them, including the disabled population, to ensure they are well sorted. Extra care can be given by going the extra mile and visiting them in their homes to know how they are doing and the environments they live in. This would help assess whether these environments are fit or conducive enough for their health.

In implementing healthcare programs, the nurse plays very vital and key roles in ensuring that everything is done as it should be. Nurses incorporate the healthcare programs into their daily clinical routines to ensure they provide quality and more attentive service to individuals. The duties and roles of a nurse vary based on the design and implementation of what they do and the services they give in accordance with what needs to be done. A nurse’s duty in healthcare design is to propose the most efficient and effective ideas that would help ensure that the patients’ needs are met accordingly (Holland & Watson, 2021). The nurse must ensure that the proposed idea is something that can work well with the patients in question to provide the right solutions to them. In the implementation of healthcare, the role of a nurse is to i

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