Addressing Bullying in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms Nature of Study


The study mainly focuses on teachers’ lack of knowledge on how to deal with the issue of bullying in the classroom in an effective manner; it also suggests some of the effective ways that they can rely on to address this problem. There will be a total of 20 participants who will be interviewed in this study.

The participants will comprise 10 teachers from elementary school, 5 teachers from middle school, and 5 principals from both elementary and middle schools. It is believed that the insights and lived experiences of 15 teachers and 5 principals will provide new knowledge in relation to the bullying issue.


The objective of this study will be to suggest ways that elementary and middle schools can employ in dealing with bullying cases in schools. Many researchers have proved that a qualitative research functions best in cases where they do not have a prior knowledge of the variables to be investigated (Klenke, 2008).

In addition, the literature available does not adequately give a proper insight into the bullying problem, especially in the elementary and middle schools. For that reason, the best way of collecting the information is for researchers to extract the required data from participants by questioning them over the problem matter (Johnson & Christensen, 2011).

The sampling criteria that will be used in this study are random and purposive sampling methods. Random sampling, which entails picking participants without considering any qualification, will be used to select the teachers who will participate in the study.

Purposive sampling, which requires participants to be selected based on some set criteria, will be applied in selecting the school principals. The two sampling methods will definitely result in the selection of participants who will be able to provide the researcher with the best information regarding this bullying issue (Merriam, 2009).

Even though random sampling will be used to select teachers who will participate in the study, there are criteria that will be set for them. Firstly, the participating teachers will be required to have taught for at least one year. Secondly, they will have served in the panel that is responsible for the formulation of rules guiding students’ behavior in their respective schools.

Lastly, they will have to be teachers from Duval County, Florida. On the other hand, the principals will have been administrators for not less than two years. Like teachers, the participating principals will also be from Duval County, Florida. The participants will be selected from West Jacksonville Elementary School and John E Ford Middle School.

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A qualitative method, which is designed in phenomenological format, is preferred for this study since it is the only method that can assist the researchers to come up with the most effective methods that teachers can use to address the problem of bullying in schools (Rubin & Babbie, 2010).

The main objective of the study, which will be to collect qualitative data through interviewing the participants and presenting the analyzed findings and proposals to the school administrators for action, will be conducted by gathering lived experiences of teachers and principals concerning the issue of bullying.

Due to the kind of information required for this research, a qualitative phenomenological study is preferred over other types of qualitative designs.

A qualitative phenomenological study is the only design, which allows the researchers to investigate aspects such as the interference of bullying on daily instruction, the class time used in resolving bullying issues in classroom, the common types of bullying that occur in classrooms, the effect of bullying on students’ performance, the effects of bullying on individual student progress, and the measures put in place to address bullying in classroom (Rubin & Babbie, 2010).

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